is your ideal Realtor in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area, whether you're buying, selling, relocating or investing in a home. is devoted, dedicated and determined in serving your home buying, selling or investing needs in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area.
Find your perfect home in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area with The Bloohound Realty Group! Find the perfect neighborhood in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area with The Bloohound Realty Group! Homes in the Phoenix / Scottdale area served by feature dramatic floorplans. To complete the experience of owning an Arizona home, can help you find a great house in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area with a great pool like ths one!
Sell your home on your schedule at your price with Buy a home with the expert advice and negotiating skills of Invest in an income property with, saving time, aggravation and money. Relocate to The Valley of the Sun. makes it easy. Homes currently listed by Visit our news pages for real estate news and views. Meet the people behind and discover what we stand for.
Use this form to tell us all about your dream home. Request a free Comparative Market Analysis of your home's value. Search the full Phoenix-area MLS listings. Tell your trusted friends and neighbors about get a great gift! Make an appointment to meet in your home, in our offices or by telephone to discuss your real estate needs.

Pomp and circumstance...

There's all kinds of real estate news we could link to. It's all bad news, as usual, but--who knows?--some of it might even be true. Too many sellers chasing too few buyers, bubbles bursting with a barely-audible hiss, starving Realtors sleeping on sidewalks and eating in soup kitchens. O, the humanity!

We could link to all that news, but our own purely local news puts the lie to all of it: We have been very busy, and our plan is to get a lot busier.

One of the ways we work to get busier is by working to get better educated. We're required to accumulate 24 hours of Continuing Education credits every two years. In practice, we do over 200 hours. Cathleen recently obtained her Graduate of the Realtor Institute designation. Both Greg and Cathleen just put in the classroom hours to qualify for the Accredited Buyer's Representative designation. This summer, we're both taking the classes for the E-Pro designation. Greg has completed the requirements for the Certified Residential Specialist designation.

We obtain all this extra education--it's not required, and it costs a good deal of time and money--in order to deliver a better standard of care to our clients. And the better we get at doing this job, the busier we get. Go figure...

CRS the hard way, with a little help from our friends...

Greg got the Certified Residential Specialist designation the hard way: All the classwork plus 75 transactions. Because we had to document the transactions, we learned some things about our business that we had known viscerally, but had never pinned down in numbers.

Greg spent his first two-and-a-half years as a licensee doing mostly rentals. Because of this, of the 75 homes he sold to qualify for the CRS designation, he sold all but eight in the last 29 months. Of those 67, over half are from referrals or repeat business. Six of them--plus several more still in process--can be attributed directly to one client, Ronan Doyle.

Ronan saw very early the kind of business we are striving to build, and he spread our story far and wide. He continues to do so, from faraway Boston, and we continue to grow on the strength of the work we did with him.


In the midst of everything else, we've been upgrading our technology tools. We've added a more robust MLS search here. You can save your searches or request more information about specific properties, all from within the search tool. In the long run, we're looking for something quite a bit more powerful, but this is what there is for now.

We also took our virtual tours in-house. We had been paying a third-party vendor, but we weren't happy with the results we were getting. Now we can have everything we want, with full control, and we can update and revise our tours as needed. The two listings shown above have links to our new tours.

If you click here, you'll see a tour we built for Val and Tony Fredericks, our friends and clients, promoting a getaway rental home they own in Coldwater Springs. That tour is interesting because it makes use of almost everything the VisualTour software can do.

Greg has also recently upgraded our real estate weblog, adding new content, a comments section and an RSS feed. We've been paying close attention to new marketing paradigms in real estate, and he is writing quite a bit about that. Feel free to post your own thoughts.

No dual agency...

Dual agency--one agent representing both the buyer and the seller in a transaction--is one of the biggest sources of the public's mistrust of Realtors--and one of the biggest sources of lawsuits. It's something we've always avoided, although we have done it from time to time--for investors and once for a buyer making a particularly difficult transition. We decided earlier this year to forbid it entirely to Bloodhound agents. The reason is simple: While it is possible, in principal, to effect a dual agency ethically, nevertheless Caesar's wife must be above reproach. As a buyer or seller, you have to know with absolute confidence that we represent your interests and yours alone. If you click here, you'll see our explication of this policy.

Otis, R.I.P.

About 20 months ago, we adopted an older Bloodhound named Otis. He was twelve-years-old when he came to us, very old for a Blood, but he was always the most puppyish of our dogs, a devout cargo cultist who never doubted that he could conjure dog food by bellowing at the laundry-room door. Otis passed on a few weeks ago. He stopped eating and within days was little more than a fur-covered skeleton. We had him put down, holding and comforting him as he died. He was a great dog. We miss him.

La vida Vegas...

As usual, we're skipping off to Las Vegas to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Our files and laptops will be with us and the fax line will be forwarding, so if you need something, don't hesitate to ask. If we don't hear from you, have a Happy Independence Day!


Here's the news about the news: When the real estate market is going great guns, you need professional advice, but errors are easily borne, easily overcome. It's when the market gets rough that you most need thoughtful, experienced, well-informed advice--and when the absence of wise counsel is most keenly felt. We are going to keep doing everything we have been doing--compounding our knowledge, honing our skills, perfecting our praxis and adding always to the arsenal of weapons we use to defend and protect our clients and confound our competition. We're good and we're always working to get better. And we are but barely begun. Tell your friends...

Very best,

Greg Swann and Cathleen Collins

Working like dogs
to build your wealth...

Whether it's your home or an income property, real estate is the best arrow in your investment quiver. Higher potential yields, more reliable yields, huge tax benefits and incredible long-term wealth-building potential. All that and you get a place to park your car! If you're ready to explore real estate as an investment – as a landlord or an owner-occupant – let's get started. You can make an appointment to meet in your home or our offices. Or you can request a Comparative Market Analysis of your home's value. You can fill out our detailed questionnaire to find your ideal new home. Or you can just pick up the phone and dial 602-740-7531. (Outside of Arizona? Dial 1-800-508-5430.) Either way, we're at your command, devoutly loyal, smart, frisky and eager to please...

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Real Estate
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Award, LLC | Designated Broker: Greg Swann
Webmaster: Greg Swann |  © 2006

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Friday, January 17, 2025

Success Stories...

"Just wanted you to know that the home warranty you bought for us saved our butts. The AC compressor failed completely and the cost of fixing it is $40 with the warranty, $1,500 estimate just for labor without it." – Bruce and Kina S.

"During one whirlwind weekend early in 2004, Greg Swann helped me and my husband find just the right Valley home. Because we had never lived in the desert, we weren't sure what we wanted or needed in an Arizona house, but later commented that it was the perfect place for us.
     Our Avondale home was cozy and comfortable yet offered lots of room for company, was located in a great neighborhood, admired for its gorgeous landscaping, especially the backyard, and provided easy access to work, shopping, hiking trails and church.
     Because of Greg's expertise, research and tenacity, by Sunday afternoon we narrowed our choices to a house that had only been listed a few days. He not only gave us his undivided attention and energy for the weekend, he also educated us on the idiosyncrasies of the desert and points of interest around the Valley.
     Two and a half years later, when my husband was informed of yet another job transfer, one of our first thoughts was: We need to call Bloodhound Realty. We knew selling our home would be more difficult than buying it, because the real estate climate had morphed from a seller's market to a buyer's market. And we knew Bloodhound would work hard to create interest in our property. That they did.
     Cathleen Collins took us under her capable wing and hit the real estate road running. Despite the fact that 48,000 other homes glutted the multi-list, we received an offer within two weeks. But that's not the end of the story.
     After the movers packed our belongings and we checked into a motel in our new city, expecting to stay two days until both houses closed, the glitches began. Too numerous to mention, we won't go into the gory glitch details. However, I will say that Cathleen's calm demeanor as well as her determination to stay in constant contact with all the entities involved and to work through the problems got us through a tough time.
     Cathleen and Greg are friendly and capable, intelligent and efficient. They are quick to answer phone calls and e-mails, no matter how mundane or ignorant the questions or comments. Best of all, they are both genuinely great people! Bloodhound Realty is the best!" – Becky L.

"The world of real estate is changing rapidly, and no one pushes for postivie consumer-centric changes harder than Don't believe me? Take this quote from their blog:
     "Like all Bloodhounds, we are smart, frisky and fiercely independent. We are committed to an idea of excellence that will flush the bums, the con-men and the crybabies out of the real estate industry. If you yearn to have your failures excused, your moral lapses absolved or your boo-boos kissed, seek elsewhere. But if you are sick to death of mediocrity -- welcome home."
     Greg and Cathy push Realtors on a national level, but they put their best practices to use in their own backyard, right where their clients can benefit the most." – Teri L

Click here for more testimonials
or submit your own success story.

Our Valued Partners

Mortgage lender:
Logan Hall
Sallie Mae Home Loans

Title insurer:
Fidelity National Title Insurance

Home warranty insurer:
Old Republic Home Warranty

Home inspector:
Premier Inspectors of America

Wood inspector:
Pest Control Solutions

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