When the new lockdown comes, many people will resist – as people are doing all over the world. The more kinetic their response, the better – from the Deep State’s point of view. Sometime soon, the F.B.I. will commit an enormous crime, which will be blamed on the “violent” anti-lockdown protestors.
Is the goal a national vaccine passport? Confiscation of firearms? They’ll take all the territory they can grab, under the cover of keeping the peace.
Accordingly, if you’re going to protest, you have to do it in the most inert, most abstract, most prostrate way possible: If anything you do looks like violence, you’ve already lost.
You don’t need a Gandhi, you need to be Gandhi: Just go limp. They can’t charge you for doing nothing, and I should think that simply turning off your phone – you and a few million friends – would be enough to give the Ruling Class the shits.
But if the resistance to the lockdown is not just peaceful but positively inert, the F.B.I. and its Antifa stooges will stand out even more than they did at the Capital riot.
Don’t let them blame their crimes on you.
In other news:
Pedro Gonzalez: Nation of Renters.
Zero Hedge: Tenant Stampede Results In Largest-Ever Surge In Rents.
John Daniel Davidson: With Biden’s Illegal ‘Eviction Moratorium’ Democrats Openly Embrace Lawlessness.
Paul Bedard: Gun sales already at 11 million, poised to break another record. Attn: #Redfin: I was wrong. Gun sales continue to surge. If vaccine passports blow up in big cities, expect further volatility.
Real Clear Politics: When Confidence in Our Institutions Collapses.