So: Ignoring whatever might be the cause – which is most emphatically not the point – is the Earth warming? Or is it cooling? How could you tell, one way or another, all on your own, using only your own senses as your measuring apparatus?
Here in the Sonoran Desert, we are gifted in late Summer with a seasonal delight we call the monsoon. South Asians quibble about terminology, but the monsoon used to have an objective definition based on the waxing and waning of persistently high humidity (for us): Wet air for weeks with big storms in the late afternoons and early evenings.
The source of the moisture is the Gulf of Mexico. When the Gulf gets very warm in late Summer, the airflow moves from East – around Florida, up the coast and off to Europe, the Gulf Stream – to West – across West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, all the way to Las Vegas and Palm Springs.
That’s the monsoon, for the whole of the desert Southwest. England and France flock to the beaches in August because their bad weather comes our way for a while. In Phoenix, the monsoon used to commence around July 15th, ending around September 15th. That rule-of-thumb has been failing for a while, such that they revised the official definition to hide all the missing moisture.
What is happening, observably to the senses and apprehensible in secondary consequences – e.g., changes in barometric pressure put my guitars out of tune – is cooling, not warming. The Gulf gets warm later and for a shorter span of time, sending less moisture West and more East – not out and under Florida Read more