BofA Settles GSE Buyback Requests for Pennies on the Dollar
According to this MND article, Obama appointee, FHFA acting director Edward DeMarco just handed Ally bank, formerly GMAC Bank and Bank of America potentially a total $300 billion windfall. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, wholly owned subsidiaries of the US Treasury Dept. are foregoing the opportunity to put hundreds of billions worth of mortgage backed securities back to these banks in return for $3 billion cash which, no doubt came from the TARP and shadow earnings as a result of regulatory forbearance. The mortgage backed securities have a refund clause by which the originator is obligated to repurchase the securities if there were specific deficiencies in the origination of the underlying mortgages. As we saw in “foreclosuregate”, even the chain of title for some of these securities is defective. I think we can safely assume that there is probably more than $3 billion of refunds to be had with aggressive defense of the taxpayers’ interests. Why does this matter? Bonuses, baby. Every dime coughed up by Ally or Bank of America reduces profits which shrinks the bankster bonus pool. Apparently the Administration cannot stand the idea of those nice banksters riding in last year’s Maybach. Especially after they made all those generous campaign donations.
Wells Fargo, CitiBank and Chase have yet to cut their pennies on the dollar deals with Mr. DeMarco. As the article points out, there are many purchasers of these same mortgage backed securities such as public and private pension funds and insurance companies who will probably go to the mat for a lot more than a couple pennies on the dollar. The pension trustees and the insurance companies have a fiduciary duty to recover as much as possible for their beneficiaries. It is a trillion dollar shame that the administration doesn’t take its obligation to the taxpayer as seriously. It will be interesting to see if there will be any Congressional oversight forthcoming in the new Congress regarding the Obama Administration’s magnanimous gift to the banksters.