“Put one or the other in charge of the food supply. Then see how your cat and your dog get along.”
The fate of big cities is to become Grasshopper ghettos: Working-from-home was happening anyway, but it was vastly accelerated by the virus, and soon Elon Musk will inaugurate working-from-anywhere. Meanwhile, the worst of urbanity becomes more-concentrated as the Ants withdraw. That argues that big-city demographics, going forward, will skew toward dissipates and welfare slaves – and the predators who profit on them.
This coincides nicely with the current urge to secede, apparently held by virtually everyone. As discussed, the United States cannot split up. But it can make the big cities – red blotches of pustulant Marxism pock-marking an otherwise healthy country – “sovereign nations” – you know, just like the Indian reservations. All the fun of being a “nation” – with none of the pesky responsibilities. As Willie foresaw, they could even have casinos, just like the other red Americans.
What they can’t have are weapons of war – you know, just like the Indian reservations. Lose the nukes, keep the kooks? That will sell in Manhattan. Lose the kooks, keep the nukes? That works just right for Manhasset. Problem solved.
We may have a basis for splitting up, but the Grasshoppers do not occupy whole states but only major metropolitan areas – and not all of those. As noted above, this self-sorting will continue, as Ants realize they have fewer and fewer reasons to remain in Grasshopper cities. Split away those Marxist metros, giving them all the power and dignity of an Indian reservation, and all the conflict is gone from our midst.
Are Grasshoppers wrong in their life choices? I would say yes, as would any Ant who dares to speak, but Grasshoppers are not at all shy about criticizing Ants. So be it. Different strokes for different folks, and each man to his own saints. But: Ants do not live comfortably among Grasshoppers – and now they don’t have to.
Big cities will become Grasshopper ghettos. Were they wise, they would defuse the Civil War talk and assure their own Read more