
There’s always something to howl about.

Archives (page 27 of 372)

Overnight News: A helpful hint for Redfin’s pollsters: All testimony is deceptive.

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“What I want for dinner is what you’re having.”

We just went through an yet another election demonstrating that polling is useless – most especially where the person being polled has reasons to deceive the pollster.

Redfin didn’t poll, it just inferred, but if demand for second homes is booming, that could mean three things, not just one: 1. The buyers actually want and plan to use a second home, Redfin’s presumption. 2. The buyers are hedging their bets, planning to sell one of the homes when they know better what the future holds for them. 3. They’re doing a buy-and-bail – letting the old home go into foreclosure after they have moved into the new one.

The good news, apparently: Absolutely none of these radical real estate changes will have been caused by the rioting that is not happening anyway!

Redfin: Demand for Second Homes Surges 100% Year Over Year In October. CTRL- F ‘riot’; not found.

Redfin: Home Sales Surge 24%, the Biggest Gain on Record, Prices up 14% in October. CTRL- F ‘riot’; not found.

Housing Wire: The 10 most popular cities for out-of-town homebuyers.

Housing Wire: Increase in housing starts has construction playing catch-up.

Housing Wire: Texas homeownership rate reaches an all-time high.

The Federalist: Science As God: Tech Hearing And COVID Show Us Exactly Where Censorship Is Headed.

James Delingpole: The Great Reset Is Trending. Here’s Why…

Issues and Insights: Are Pandemic Lockdowns A Dry Run For The ‘Climate Crisis’?

Jonathan Tobin: Justice Alito is right: The pandemic brought an assault on our basic rights.

Issues and Insights: Don’t ‘Californicate’ The Rest Of America.

Overnight News: The fall-back for the fall-back cheating? Terrorism. Welcome to Brown Shirt America.

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“What does the bad guy say? ‘But you knew I was a scorpion when you met me.’”

Americans watched extortion on a live Zoom call last night: Wayne County election officials were doxxed and their children were threatened – Mafia-style – before the Zoom call was cut off – presumably when the threats escalated even more. If the terrorists who effected this arm-twisting are not arrested by Federal agents this morning, any hope the Trump campaign has of fortitude among politicians seems misplaced. As long as actual Brown Shirts are free to commit tens of thousands of unprosecuted felonies, no one is safe to stand his ground.

Redfin: Survey: 30% of Americans Want to Live Somewhere Else Due to Protests. And 70% already do! Redfin has now progressed to full-on RiotWashing: Not only did no riots happen, but people really love the riots that didn’t happen, and besides they never happened anyway. “‘Americans have been leaving major cities in droves during the pandemic, and recent unrest is just one small piece of the puzzle,’ said Redfin chief economist Daryl Fairweather.” Look at your frolicking charts, Daryl: Little hump: Pandemic. Big hump: Riots. Does it cause Redfin pain to tell the truth?

CNBC: Homebuilder confidence in November shatters record high, as buyers keep fleeing for the suburbs.

Housing Wire: NAR’s Yun expects a brisk winter housing market.

CNBC: Mortgage demand from homebuyers surges after election pause.

Forbes: How The Fed Paved The Way For The Biggest Real Estate Investment Opportunity Of Our Lifetime.

FEE: New Yorkers Are Abandoning the Big Apple in Droves Despite Cheaper Rent, Report Shows. Big cities thrived when communication lag was a problem: Foot messengers really mattered, and the American Stock Exchange was organized out of the windows overlooking Broad Street. None of that matters now, and, just as with malls and cinemas, the internet is eating everything of obsolete business models. Sad that we have to read this news in an economics blog, rather that in the real estate press.

Breitbart: Wayne County Reverses Decision, Certifies Disputed Election Results as Video Goes Dark.

Jordan Davidson: Joe Biden Has Said Nothing About The Violent Attacks Read more

Overnight News: Why would I pay the #NAR to threaten my livelihood?

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“If you’re thinking about buying yourself a shock collar – seek help.”

I’m in the process of extricating myself from the National Association of Realtors. Every agent should be asking the question in the headline, but my reason is more comprehensive: I know who speech codes are for. I am very lucky to live in a free country – for now – but people who think like I do are routinely jailed and killed all over the world, nearer in space and time every day.

Here’s what’s worse: The NAR has now turned the lazy bulk of its membership into Stasi spies committed to destroying the productive agents – especially the innovators.

But here’s what’s better: The NAR has turned on its membership, declaring that it will spy on them and then destroy their careers. Why is that better? Because, as with NASCAR and public school teachers, the NAR’s true loyalties are now at least partially unmasked. Whatever side they are on, it ain’t yours. Respond accordingly.

As for me, depending on how things work out and how angry I get about it, I may devote some time to interesting legal issues:

  • Is the NAR a labor union, subject to labor union regulation?
  • Is the NAR bound by right-to-work laws in Arizona? Must I subsidize ideas I abhor?
  • Is the NAR a de facto monopoly, bound by the anti-trust laws?
  • Is the higher degree of failure for black and hispanic real estate agents caused by the NAR?

The answer the last question is a resounding yes. Occupational licensing laws – originated by the NAR – were devised to exclude black competition. The real estate licensing laws still work that way, imposing very high financial and intellectual capital demands on new entrants – for a low-capital type of small business often run by very dim bulbs. This would be the “systemic” racism serious people would address. You can’t make it to the top if the big-shots keep sweeping you off the first step.

Housing Wire: After several disturbing incidents, NAR amends Code of Ethics to include Realtors’ personal behavior.

Housing Wire: Affordable housing groups look to Biden to fulfill campaign promises.

FEE: Read more

Overnight News: “Where’s Hunter?” is old news. Where the hell is China Joe?

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“When you’re hiding like a puppy, we all know who made the poo.”

So the primary election strategy failed when Trump beat the margin of cheating. Then the fallback cheating failed so badly that the fallback narrative – “Trump is stealing the election!!” – is also failing. China Joe is in the unhappy position of losing the election because of the fallback cheating – and of having the primary cheating exposed, as well.

You’d hide, too.

And: If we get very lucky, the DNC and everything it touches will get rolled up RICO-style.

I can dream, can’t I?

New York Post: New stats reveal massive NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime.

Forbes: Who Is Buying In New York City, And Who Is Leaving?

PJ Media: ‘Total Media Blackout’ as Antifa Launches Attacks on MAGA Rallygoers in D.C.

David Marcus: Refusing To Apply The Law To Violent Leftists Is Normalizing Political Violence.

Brad Polumbo: The political class’s coronavirus credibility crisis endangers public health.

Sundance: The Treehouse is Deplatformed… This is why BloodhoundBlog is here, in 2020: Because we can’t trust tech Marxists to leave us alone.

John Daniel Davidson: Republicans Have Good Reason Not To Trust The Election Results.

Townhall: Was Election Software Rigged? Sidney Powell Lays Out the Trump Team’s Findings.

Clarice Feldman: What’s Kraken?

American Greatness: Geezer in the Freezer: Presumptuous partisan Joe Biden’s transition has been put on ice.

City Journal: The Chump Effect: Progressive policies penalize those who play by the rules and shower benefits on those who don’t.

Overnight News: Ants protest, not just peacefully but joyously. Grasshoppers assault them from the fringes, get pounded. Trump’s fault.

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“What is the sound of Atlas Shrugging? ‘Ya want fries with that?’”

I wish I had a reliable resource to report on last night’s festivities in Washington, but – since Trump’s supporters were not only attacked, they prevailed – there won’t be any “news” on these events until it turns out it was all Trump’s fault.

Here’s a puzzler: A confederation of freaks incapable of propitious reproduction holds the future hostage to their absurd demands. What happens next?

The future shrugs.

Reason: Should Remote Workers Pay a Tax for the ‘Privilege’ of Using Their Home as an Office? Most “financial news” is telegraphy about where the margins are getting squeezed. But: Still: What gonophs!

CNBC: Morgan Stanley says housing discrimination has taken a huge toll on the economy. We need more borrowers!

Kevin Williamson: Why Trump supporters are here for good.

Matt Vespa: Pollster: It’s Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City…Except These Four.

The Federalist: Why President Trump Has A Strong Supreme Court Case To Contest Pennsylvania.

First Things: The Fury of Fatherlessness. h/t Teri Lussier.

Overnight News: NAR goes Grasshopper, bans brains. Ants to respond accordingly.

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“Rules exist to make Chihuahuas feel more like dogs.”

After watching one huge national institution after another destroy itself embracing woke politics, the National Association of Realtors yesterday put itself into the speech-code business. Smooth move.

The NAR is a cabal of rent-seeking morons. They want to regulate speech as yet another way to eliminate smarter competition. The purpose of all rules and laws is to outlaw the benefits of having a better-disciplined mind.

The word Realtor has marketing value, but I am a Broker, a much more powerful word. The NAR is saving me some money, because I will not be renewing. I expect I am not alone.

National Association of Realtors: NAR Board of Directors Approves New Personal Conduct Policy Addressing Discrimination.

Housing Wire: National Association of Realtors. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found. Here’s a puzzler: If a whole lot of urban housing is now constructively abandoned, what would that do the price of the remaining homes?

Housing Wire: Zillow: There’s no going back from RON.

New York Post: Gambling sites refuse to call election for Biden, leaving $600 million in limbo.

Glenn Greenwald: Biden, the Media and CIA Labeled the Hunter Biden Emails “Russian Disinformation.” There is Still No Evidence.

Spiked: Why young white men are abandoning the Democrats.

The Federalist: 5 Historical Trends That Show It’s Utterly Shocking If Trump Lost In 2020.

City Journal: Find a New Bogeyman: What will the Left do if it no longer has Trump to kick around?

The American Mind: Stop the Coup.

Overnight News: By dudgeon or bludgeon, Trump’s extrication seems sure. The Republic’s? Not so much…

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“The plan? What plan? The plan is to mix things up and see what happens.”

What’s turmoil’s tax? I’m sitting on a listing. I know it will pop when the market’s fully attentive – but now it ain’t. My role in the economy is to work in months but to plan in years. For now I work in days or hours and plan for nothing.

Even if Biden had won cleanly, there would have been a dip in far-future plays. Trump promises America a future where investment is safe, China Joe just the opposite.

If the productive half of the nation puts itself into White Mutiny against the predatory half – if the Ants go limp on the Grasshoppers – the economic consequences will be positively Venezuelan.

Plus which: China will own America forever.

Me, elsewhere:

Greg Swann: My three Trumps: Envisioning strategies leading to an exit strategy.

Elsewhere itself:

Redfin: Housing Market Update: Home Prices Climb 15% Even as Growth in Pending Sales & New Listings Slowed Amid Election Uncertainty. CTL F ‘riot’; not found. Did any important events happen between the virus and the election? Apparently not…

Housing Wire: Mortgage rates rise from record low to 2.84%.

Housing Wire: Biden transition team brings back key CFPB players.

City Journal: The Bill Comes Due: New York’s next mayor will have to contend with a fiscal nightmare.

TopTradeGurus: The Data Genius from ‘The Big Short’ Says 2020 Election Full Statistical Anomalies.

Joel Kotkin: The Real Winners and Losers.

Brendan O’Neill: The real resistance: The 70million people who voted for Trump are revolting against the new elites.

Kyle Smith: The Chump Effect.

David Harsanyi: Against ‘Unity’.

Mark Steyn: Looking for an Argument.

City Journal: The South Korean Lesson: A high-trust society that credits its government with good intentions responds well to national emergencies.

Overnight News: Jeffrey Epstein’s estate sues China’s joke to regain meme-supremacy.

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“Yesterday I met a Bassett Hound who insists he is a Bloodhound-Elect.”

How do you know the election was stolen? Everybody knows. The whole world knows. The Chinese are selling hoodies featuring the image of China Joe’s improbable leapfrogging in votes.

Here, I fear, is the last remaining form of the Jeffrey Epstein joke:

Q: What’s the difference between Jeffrey Epstein and the Democratic National Committee?

A: Epstein’s cause of death is undocumented.

The news:

Redfin: Survey: 1 in 4 Americans Want to Live Somewhere Else Due to Their Local Government’s Pandemic Response. CTL F ‘riot’; not found. Any news about how people in Seattle feel about their town turning into a Somalian shithole? Do any of Redfin’s employees own homes near Seattle? How’s the market? We are “led” by liars and fools.

CNBC: Big drop in Manhattan apartment prices begins to lure back younger renters. CTL F ‘riot’; not found.

PJ Media: New Tax in New Jersey May Drive NASDAQ to Homestead in Texas.

City Journal: Philadelphia’s Election Follies.

The Federalist: Democrats Know Mail-In Voting Means Mass Fraud, And Pushed It Anyway.

Jay Valentine: Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing – Bigly.

Christopher Rufo: Extortion Day: How the Democratic Party and its allies used the threat of violence as a campaign tactic.

Revolver: Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump.

The American Mind: Kamikaze Trump.

City Journal: Police Departments on the Brink: Across America, cops are quitting.

Victoria Taft: With Stupefying Cluelessness, Media Criticize Conservative Tech Refugees for Fleeing Censorship. Public School Enrollment Plummets as Private Schools See Gains.

Overnight News: When the accused criminal tells you it’s shameful to dig for evidence – keep digging.

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“Half the country was raped. What would you expect the rapist to say?”

Here’s some good news: When the grown-up wins, all of our electoral procedures will be audited and improved.

Redfin: Resort Towns Are Becoming Permanent Destinations for Homebuyers Fleeing Big Cities During the Pandemic. CTL F ‘riot’; not found.

CNBC: Mortgage demand from homebuyers drops to lowest level in 6 months.

Joel Kotkin: Coronavirus and the Office Apocalypse.

Salena Zito: The Red Wave No One Saw Coming.

The National Pulse: Dominion Vote System That Flipped Trump Votes To Biden Was Flagged As ‘Fragile And Error Prone’ In 2019.

Tyler O’Neil: 10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’.

The Federalist: America Won’t Trust Elections Until The Voter Fraud Is Investigated.

Congressman Devin Nunes: Social-ist Media.

The American Mind: Trump’s Greatest Achievement: The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class.

City Journal: Florida Glows Red: The Sunshine State got more Republican.

Heather MacDonald: The Biden Threat to Law Enforcement.

Overnight News: 2020: Living the history that makes studying history so worthwhile.

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“What’s the leading cause of ‘imposter syndrome’?”

A week ago, a shot at national unity. Today a legitimacy crisis. What might seven more days bring?

Housing Wire: Buyers and sellers agree: it’s a good time to enter the housing market. It’s never a bad time for ballyhoo!

Forbes: The Housing Market Continued Its Wild Ride In October.

Housing Wire: Real estate industry expresses support for Biden’s $15,000 tax credit.

Reason: COVID-19 Didn’t Break the Public School System. It Was Already Broken.

Zero Hedge: “It Defies Logic”: Scientist Finds Telltale Signs Of Election Fraud After Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data.

The Federalist: How Pennsylvania Democrats Deliberately Stoked 2020 Election Chaos.

Jeffrey Lord: Stop the Steal – Start the Audit.

Issues and Insights: Of Course The Party Of Moral Authoritarianism Would Cheat On Elections.

Daniel Greenfield: American Coup: This was not just voter fraud out of Philly. It’s a coup by the oligarchy.

The American Spectator: The Ruling Class’s Final Push Against Trump.

Senator Mitch McConnell: Democrats have zero excuses for complaining about Trump contesting vote counts.

City Journal: Insisting on White Racism: As election results make clear, the narrative does not hold up.

Overnight News: Since “mostly peaceful” means violent, does “fundamentally fair” mean George Bush and the Deep State agree the election was rigged?

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“So is the ‘Unchained Melody’ for this week ‘Undone’ or ‘Your Sister Cried All The Way Home’?”

This is the week we find out if we are a nation of laws and not of thugs. The mainstream media, social media and the Deep State have made it plain that we are a culture of lies, for now. Take heart: Just as Trump changed America’s attitude from despair to hope, when this election fraud is undone, new brooms will sweep clean everywhere.

Housing Wire: With Biden win, the future of forbearance and student loans.

Robby Soave: The 2020 Election Results Look Like a Massive Rebuke of Socialism.

Salena Zito: Voters stood up to the culture and declared their center-right values.

City Journal: Are Democrats Cornered in Illinois?.

Robby Soave: The Media Had 4 Years to Figure Out Trump Voters. They Blew It.

The Federalist: Mollie Hemingway On The Media: ‘They Lie, They Lie, They Lie. And Then They Lie’.

Jay Valentine: There are no software ‘glitches’.

The National Pulse: ‘Like Flipping A Coin And Getting Heads 100 Times’: Stats Boffs Scrutinize Biden ‘Victory’ Numbers.

Jay Valentine: New Election Math: It’s Not 270, It’s 26-24.

The Gateway Pundit: Complete List of Suspected Fraud Issues in 2020 Election Sorted by State with Recommended Actions on How to Address.

Overnight News: Ants repudiate Grasshopperism in a national landslide. Grasshoppers can’t catch a clue for dancing.

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“What happens if you beat the cheat and then you beat the fallback cheat, too?”

The purpose of The Big Lie – shattered into infinite lies as Political Correctness – is to humiliate: The tyrant of the microsecond dares you to tell the truth, triumphing in your acquiescence.

To hell with that.

So: Here’s a simple fact: China Joe Biden is the beneficiary of massive voter fraud, that, if it is actually exposed, will restore Donald Trump’s landslide election.

What will not be restored will be the national unity we would have felt Wednesday morning, knowing that America’s Ants had thoroughly repudiated the awful Grasshopper ideals we saw – when we dared to look – all Summer.

At a minimum, when the courts restore Trump’s victory we will have another twenty years of Sore/Loserman bitching from the left – a completely avoidable schism.

And at the maximum…? Fool around and find out.

Last night on BloodhoundBlog: Everybody knows…

Actual real estate news:

Forbes: Mortgage Interest Rates Drop To The Lowest Rates Yet.

Actual news:

The Federalist: Saturday’s Media Declaration Is A Naked Attempt To Silence Republicans.

American Thinker: Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming.

G News: Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics).

PNAS: Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities. This is tall weeds, but the data plots of honest versus stolen elections should soil China Joe’s Depends.

Zero Hedge: In 30 States, A Computer System Known To Be Defective Is Tallying Votes.

Roger Kimball: The People Who Count the Votes Decide Everything.

Rod Dreher: The Left’s Post-Trump Enemies List.

The Federalist: Democrats Compile List Of Names Targeting White House Staff, Trump Campaign, Judges, And Donors.

Sundance: GOP Beware: The Republican Party Did Not Carry 71,000,000+ Votes, President Trump Did…

Overnight News: Trump won a rigged election so Democrats double-rigged the next one.

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“Now we know why Bloodhounds almost never win dog shows!”

I can’t tell if it’s a lucky break or an exquisitely-executed long con, but the Dominion software is what will keep China Joe out of the White House – and may even put him in the big house. The plan, I’m guessing, was to move all races leftward by a few points, creating the poll-predicted ‘blue wave.’ But Trump and the Republicans won by such huge numbers that they had to cave on the wave and just dump naked ballots at Trump. It’s looking like every bit of this will be exposed – and heaven help us if it is not.

Think of this: We were united as a nation on Tuesday – and China Joe stole that, too.

Redfin: 91,000 More People Moved Into Arizona than Out Last Year, Likely Tilting it Blue. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found – but jeepers, look at all them riot-torn cities feeding growth in The Valley of the Ever-Fecund Sun. Redfin running cover for the Democrats is a bad look.

Housing Wire: The exodus continues: Northeastern housing markets fill up with former city dwellers. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

City Journal: Mayor Myopic: New York City faces a massive fiscal crisis and a private economy in tatters, but all Bill de Blasio seems to care about is preventing public-employee layoffs.

Joel Kotkin: California and Its Contradictions: Rumblings of realignment beneath a solid-blue surface.

City Journal: Ballot Initiatives Go Bust: The vote on several big state referendums diverged sharply from surveys, suggesting that it’s not just presidential preferences that voters are concealing.

BBC News: Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs.

The American Report: Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election — Just Like Obama And Biden Did In 2012. Very fringy, but fascinating.

Overnight News: Coattails without the coat? Not plausible.

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“Dude! Don’t piss on my leg and try to tell me it’s a rainy night in Georgia!”

Odysseus told you Wednesday what to look for: Voting only for President, only for Biden. Same pattern in many fraud-states: Too many ballots to fake. The specific voters being disenfranchised are urban Ants – wise enough to know better, unable to escape. That’s how much any lives matter to the Deep State. Like him or don’t, Trump is all the dragon-slayer you have, with perpetual Chinese dragon-slavery as your undoubted alternative.

Redfin: Housing Market Update: 15% Price Growth Shows No Signs of Letting Up. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found – even though the riots are all over their charts. Imagine a company less likely to tell the truth about the real estate consequences of Marxism than Redfin, facing a lawsuit for being insufficiently Marxist. News about the devastation in riot-torn cities will have to come from elsewhere.

CNBC: Homeowners and buyers are the real winners in this election.

CNBC: Fed holds rates near zero — here’s how that benefits Americans and their wallets.

Housing Wire: The vote is in: Borrowers want RON. Me, too.

Housing Wire: What would the CFPB look like under a Biden administration? We’ve lived for four years under steadily waning regulation. Who wanted that to change?

Zero Hedge: Companies Join Exodus To Suburbs As Cities Transform Into “Ghost Towns”. Someone should tell Redfin about this.

Zero Hedge: Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

The Federalist: We’re Supposed To Believe The GOP Had A Great Election Night Except For President?

The Federalist: Polling Isn’t The Problem, Intentionally False Media Polls Are The Problem.

Richard Fernandez: A New Correlation of Forces.

David Solway: If a Won Election Is Not Reported, Is It a Won Election?

Michael Anton: Game-On for the Coup?

City Journal: Texas Is Still Texas—For Now: The Lone Star State is changing, but not in the way that everyone assumes.