Russell Shaw held his second Sales Success Seminar last night. For the moment we don’t know if there will be a third. So far, we’re sitting on about seven hours of new audio and perhaps four hours of new video. All of this will be released in bulk, but its primary purpose will be to spark Russell’s creativity in making a series of Q&A podcasts, a sort of Russell Shaw Sales Success FAQ.
This will be organized in FAQ-like form, with an index page of questions, each one linking to the podcast of the answer. You’ll be able to read the index to look for specific questions. Or, if you like, you could just start with the first question and work your way through the training course, one podcast at a time. And, catching the tiger by the long tail, organic searches will lead people who hadn’t even known about the course to particular podcasts.
As Russell mentioned last night, you should email him with any questions you might have. In very short order, he’ll start answering them one by one and we’ll start building the FAQ.
In the mean time: I had email about where to go for more information- and inspiration-rich real estate podcasting content. I confess to ignorance on the subject. Cathy has an iPod, and now Russell has one, but I don’t. I have about 12 days of unique content in iTunes, but it’s all music. I’ve listened to a few real estate podcasts in the iTunes store, but they’ve seemed pretty spammy to me.
So: Tell us where to go for good real estate podcasts, video or audio. If we can unearth some treasures, I’ll build a link page so that others can find them more easily.
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