Tomorrow there will be an interview with me published that will make a point to mention that BloodhoundBlog carries no advertising. So today seems like a good time to post our first ad.
My son Cameron is graduating from casual uses for money — fast food, CDs, movies, computer games — to more serious financial needs — like cars, car insurance, gas. We’re kinda happy about this, actually, because, even though internal resources are the best motivations, being hungry for money and the things it can buy will do in a pinch.
So: Cameron is finally interested in working reliably for money. He’s been doing great work for us, and we’re on the verge of rebuilding our automated web page/web site generator software so that other people can use it. This is wicked slick, and I encourage you to Watch This Space. When we’re done, we’ll have software that you can use to communicate with your clients in web pages or web sites, just as we do now.
In the mean time, though, Cameron wants to earn more money, and I want to help him. So if you scroll down the sidebar, you’ll see his ad, an offer to build a WordPress weblog from scratch and host it for a year for $500. He knows how to build a blog our way — he builds many of ours already — and I’ll be riding herd on him to make sure he delivers on his promises. I think he’s priced pretty aggressively — say so if you disagree.
We’ve never given Cameron money. He’s always had to earn his own funds. I don’t know that he’s all that financially astute even now. I don’t know that I am, either. But at 16 he’s a rockin’ web programmer who can build you a quality product. It will be interesting to see if he can build a good business from his skills.
Technorati Tags: blogging, real estate, real estate marketing, technology