There’s always something to howl about.

Category: Technology (page 34 of 60) makes its first MLS-wide feed agreement and, in the process, disintermediates its first IDX cartel

Here’s the PR, which the vendor cheerleaders will have reported:*

Leading real estate Web site and MLS Property Information Network today announced a partnership to feed listings from the New England area MLS to on a daily basis. This partnership initiates the first participation at the MLS level in Zillow’s Listings Feed program, which launched in November 2007. To date, the Zillow Listings Feed program has attracted several top brokerages for participation, and now allows all customers of MLS PIN to automatically gain free marketing exposure for their listings on one of the most-visited real estate sites in the country, while providing Zillow’s users with a more robust search experience.

That is, rather than having made yet another feed agreement from a brokerage or a franchise of brokerages, Zillow will be taking a feed of every listing from MLS PIN — a fairly big MLS system.

Okayfine. Now here’s the actual news:

Each listing will include a description of the property with multiple photos and contact information for the listing agent, including links back to the listing brokerage’s Web site where they can find more information and connect with a sales associate to guide them through the home buying and selling experience.

That is to say, whatever form the IDX agreement takes at MLS PIN, it is being cast aside for the Zillowfied listings. The IDX-like policy of concealing the listing broker’s and agent’s contact information will not be the policy for Zillow’s echo of the MLS PIN feed. (I find this so amazing that I’m avidly listening for some back-peddaling.)

There’s more. If a listing agent creates a profile on, that will be linked through from that agent’s listings. The MLS PIN feed will provide information for Zillow’s Virtual Sold Sign program, which is another way of promoting individual listing agents. This is all of a piece with Zillow’s general policy of promoting individuals rather than organizations.

But the important fact is that Zillow’s agreement with MLS PIN splits up the clubby conspiracy against the consumer that is the MLS philosophy. If buyer’s agents are squealing in Massachusetts today, the proper target of their Read more

Biz 2.0: Super Real Estate Companies

When I first started in real estate my goal was to own a big operation after getting my broker’s license. A quintuple bypass changed my plans and I now operate a boutique operation, small, profitable and simple. I spend my extra time doing things I enjoy like golfing, reading and writing.

But I haven’t stopped thinking about big. It’s my belief that most large RE companies don’t fully exploit the advantages of being big, with access to resources largely going to waste in offices run from defensive modes with key players protecting turf rather than striving for excellence and market domination. Internal competition has been a weakness of big RE companies, along with the lack of talented employees with broader skills than RE skills. There’s a time and place to compete and there’s a time and place to bring talented individuals together to co-operate.

All companies and all offices differ, but from what I’ve seen much is missing. Big doesn’t have to mean slow, stubborn and infected with in-fighting and politics. I admit, I have idealistic binges that sometimes border on drunkenly naive, but I also know what people working together can accomplish — I’ve witnessed it through personal involvement and I’ve read the stories of companies who’ve achieved excellence through new ways of thinking, co-operation and a dedication to talented people given free reign to think, act and innovate. I also have no knowledge of the sophistication involved with large franchises, but I know that even independent offices with 50 to 100 agents can develop 2.0 systems that drastically improve their ability to compete.

It starts at the top with leadership. I should say enlightened leadership. Fearless and open-minded leaders are rare; hell, most everything I’m about to describe is rare — that’s what makes it special, and that’s why great companies achieve the largest market share in their line of endeavor. Good leaders are an amalgam of psychologist, priest, coach, cheerleader, protaganist, antagonist (questioning his/her own leadership), hero(ine), visionary and sage. That’s asking a lot, but good leadership demands a lot. From Alexander the Great to JFK to Lee Ioccoca, the styles are different and the scope greater or less, but the key elements of Read more

Rate Your REALTOR® – Why Are Agents Scared Anyway?

I’ve had little luck selling the idea that REALTORS® should embrace an Internet rating system.  Local associations, individual REALTORS®, other association executives, NAR, and even other bloggers have rejected the idea of allowing clients to rate their agent.  Twice last week I pitched it to influential leaders in the industry, but both times the conversation died with no support.  Here are a few typical “reasons” this idea is rejected by the industry:

  • My competitor will give me bogus ratings
  • One bad rating and I’ll look bad even if most of my clients love me
  • Only clients who are upset would be motivated to rate me

I did hear one legitimate argument last week, but it was not a deal killer for me.  A wise REALTOR® explained that ratings would not work in the real estate business because a transaction was often a confrontation between a buyer’s rep and the listing agent.  Since the agents were working for opposite sides, the other party’s client was bound to think poorly of you.  Okay, there is some truth to that, but a properly set up rating system could make sure readers knew if the evaluation came from your client or from the other side. 

The reason this idea will not leave my head is that I sit in many industry meetings and listen to REALTORS® and association executives whine about the lack of training and professionalism from their competitors or members.  The common answer for most people to this problem is to require more training before and after licensing.  While more education can help, it will never weed out the bad from the good.  Taking more courses will not make you more ethical, professional or pleasant to work with unless you want it to change you.  Only the power of the consumer will require you to change or quit. 

Overall, I find REALTORS® to be an amazing group of ethical and professional entrepreneurs, but a few bad apples and rotten eggs has left a bad taste in the mouth for many.  Surveys constantly back this up by showing that the public generally loves “their” REALTOR®, but rates the Read more

How to use engenu to reinforce your blog posts about listed homes you would like to sell, to build single-property web sites, and to achieve total global hyper-local long-tail search domination

This is my response to a comment that Jennifer Castillo left on my post about the benefits of blogging about real estate listings you would like to sell.

Jennifer said:

My questions to you arise from this quote of yours, “For each house you preview, build an engenu page. That way you can show all the photos, captioned as needed, if someone wants to see everything. You can also link to appropriate offsite resources. This engenu page will be a permanent asset in your inventory of on-line content.”

Being a total n00b in this business I am very excited about what you have written in this particular post. My question to you is how do I build an engenu page? I have a blog at wordpress so can this even be done with my existing blog? Do I need any particular software?

Hi, Jennifer. I like your weblog. You have en eye for striking images.

engenu is software written by me. It runs on Apache web servers, or it will once I release it. It’s all but finished, but I keep finding small things I want to change. I’ll be releasing it as a public beta shortly.

I’ve written about engenu on BloodhoundBlog. In that post, I talk about a house we know and love. Cathy blogged about that house, and her weblog post linked back to the engenu site I built for 101 West Seminole Drive.

That’s an illustration of how you can use engenu to support a weblog post about a house. The post can highlight the features and photos you are interested in talking about, then you can link back to you engenu site for the folks who want to see everything. The post and the engenu site are mutually-reinforcing, both in terms of immediate marketing and in future long-tail search results.

The point of all this is that engenu permits ordinary people to build rich, elaborate, highly searchable web sites very quickly and without knowing any HTML or other coding languages. If you do know how to code, you can build almost anything you want, but the kind of sites we build every day to Read more

BloodhoundBlog is the number one real estate weblog? Technically true for a brief moment, but we still have some growing to do

A tiny trophy, a huge victory — to come.

Biggest, most comprehensive and most popular real estate industry technology and marketing blog

We had a helluva week last week, our best ever — until now. So what did we do this week to top last week’s numbers? How about almost double?

Biggest, most comprehensive and most popular real estate industry technology and marketing blog

The real estate category on BlogTopSites is the home of truly competitive real estate webloggers. We’ve always held our own there — the respectable low teens until lately, in the higher single digits so far for 2008. The top of the list has almost always been dominated by bubble blogs, but BloodhoundBlog has been among the top blogs — and almost always first among real estate industry weblogs — for quite some while.

But we’ve never been first overall before, and the chances are good that we won’t be again, not for a while. But first place on that list is ours to earn and ours to keep — eventually. We deliver so much more content — so much better content — that we will own the top of that list in due course. Just not yet.

So what gives? How did we get to be number one at the start of this brand new week?

Earlier this week, Brian Brady gave us all a practical demonstration in how to dominate a Google search. On Thursday, he wrote a post about Ashley Alexandra Dupree that was first, fastest and best — from Google’s point of view. He’s spent the past three days on the first page of Google for a number of Ashley Dupree-related search terms — sitting squarely atop major news organizations and A-list webloggers. As I write this, Brian’s post is second for ashley dupree — and first place is off-topic.

So what happened? With that first Ashley Dupree post and a follow-up about Ashley’s singing career, Brian by himself brought over 14,000 unique souls as hard clicks into BloodhoundBlog this week. He beat all of last week by himself. Yesterday we had over 8,132 unique visitors, of which at last 6,000 were brought here by Brian Brady alone.

Yeah, but, but, but– It’s just an SEO trick. No, it’s not. It’s an SEO demonstration. Brian Brady Read more

What could be dumber than sticking a Flash widget on your real estate weblog? How about sicking two Flash gadgets there instead?

I don’t know what to do. Friedrich Nietzsche said, “It is not my function to be a fly swatter.” And yet every time I turn around I find myself reading abject nonsense from technology vendors who have never in their lives sold real estate — who have never sold much of anything but hot air.

Should I just wince and move on to the next article in my feed reader? Or do I have a duty to point out obvious, bone-headed errors, so that y’all don’t repeat them, not knowing they are errors?

I sat on this one earlier today, but it just keeps bugging me. If you think I’m being mean for calling the author out, all I can think of to say is, “Dang!” I myself never, ever forget the ninety-and-nine. If I can spare just one person one dumb mistake, I’ll call that a win and ignore everything else.

So: Joel Burslem’s advice to build single-property widgets is truly bad counsel. The future of real estate weblogging is not widgets, and widgets are not valuable replacements for single-property websites.

First: Off-site resources are bad, m’kaaaay? If you watch where your pages drag when they are loading, you will see that your problems are almost always the result of calls you are making to other servers. In this context, it doesn’t matter if you are calling Flash, Javascript, PHP, PERL or plain vanilla HTML. What matters most is that the other servers you are calling often will not work as quickly as your server. Even if those servers are very sprightly, there are still going to be delays from hand-shaking. Flash and Javascript can madly exacerbate these problems, since they require processing power in the client computer also. As cool as the free stuff you can get from vendors can seem to you, much of it is white noise, at best, of absolutely no benefit to advancing your marketing message. And if those widgets, gizmos and gadgets are slowing down your pages, they are acting against your marketing objectives — by coming between you and your clients.

Second: Flash and Javascript do not search. Read more

BloodhoundBlog is the most popular real estate industry blog, but for now we’re the fourth most popular real estate weblog overall

Biggest, most comprehensive and most popular real estate industry technology and marketing blog

The last time BloodhoundBlog scored this high on BlogTopSites was May of 2007. At the time, I said: “It may not happen again for a while…”

What’s going on? Brian Brady is showing you why you will reap huge benefits by attending BloodhoundBlog Unchained. This is just the beginning…

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Web 2.0 Is a Fad?

I woke up this morning to my many Google alerts, and began browsing & mentally chewing. I don’t spend a ton of time doing this, but it’s a big part of my day. Regardless, I landed on a UK story/interview with Simon Baker, CEO of REA Group. Reading the story, a few of Baker’s points really stood out:


  • …today accuses real estate Web 2.0 sites of being a ‘total fad’.”
  • “You don’t have to look sexy to deliver,” he says, pointing out that scale, consumer traction and money to fund marketing activity are much more important than aesthetics and cute functionality.
  • “Sites like get a lot of press and they look great but will they deliver?” he asks. “I doubt whether they do more than US$3 million a year compared to’s US$300 million…”

It was a little comforting to learn that the “real estate establishment” is a crotchety old man the world over, and that we’re not part of a freakish business mindset distinct to the States. However, it got me into “you know what really grinds my gears” mode.

I don’t like the term “web 2.0” because it implies that we’ve released a stable platform straight from beta testing. In actuality, we’re probably on “web 2.3.2 beta.” However, nit-pickiness aside, I love, love, love to defend modern web practices against guys like Simon who are stuck in 1998.

  1. Web 2.0 is not a fad. The internet is an evolving, organic beast. If you don’t evolve with it, you were a fad.
  2. If you have tons of money to market an inferior product, you’re effectively throwing a match on that wad of cash. If, by “cute functionality,” he means “interactivity” then bring on the cute functionality! It will create visitor loyalty, and viral buzz that money can’t buy.
  3. The internet is not a passive medium.
  4. Sex always sells.
  5. does an asinine volume of business due to an extremely bad business decision by the NAR years ago. If they don’t evolve, and recognize that their competition is providing far superior products, they will be a fad.

</gear-grinding> 3 Read more

If you thought the iPhone rocked, just wait for the iPhone 2.0

David Pogue in the New York Times:

Before you start reading this, a word of warning: this column is about the iPhone. If you’re one of those people who are sick and tired of hearing about the iPhone, then scroll on while you still can.

Then again, if you’re one of those people, you’ve got much bigger problems than this column. Maybe you’d better take six months off to explore the Serengeti.

That’s because last week, Apple announced iPhone 2.0. It’s not a new phone model (although that will be coming this year, too)—it’s new software for the existing phone [update: and for the iPod Touch!]. And in my considered opinion, it will be an even bigger deal than the iPhone itself.

The new software, slated for the end of June, will have two parts. First, it will tap into Microsoft Exchange, the e-mail distribution system used by hundreds of thousands of corporations. You’ll get “push” e-mail, meaning that messages appear in real time on your iPhone. And when anybody changes your calendar or address book on your computer at work, your iPhone will be automatically, wirelessly updated, wherever you happen to be.

All of this is already on the BlackBerry, which is Apple’s obvious target here. Without an actual keyboard, the iPhone won’t kill off the BlackBerry entirely (although I do like the way the on-screen keyboard forces iPhone people to be super-concise). But it will carve away a certain chunk of the BlackBerry’s market.

The big knife is Part 2 of iPhone 2.0. That’s the SDK—the Software Development Kit—which Apple has released in beta-test form. The idea here is that any programmer can now write software for the iPhone. Not illicit, hacky apps like people have been writing so far, but authorized, tested, legitimate software, much of it free, that can tap into all the features of the iPhone.


I can’t tell you how huge this is going to be. There will be thousands of iPhone programs, covering every possible interest. The iPhone will be valuable for far more than simple communications tasks; it will be the first widespread pocket desktop computer. You’re witnessing the birth Read more

How do you get visitors to come to your home’s custom weblog? Shoe leather works well. Search engines? Not so much…

This is my column for this week from the Arizona Republic (permanent link):

How do you get visitors to come to your home’s custom weblog? Shoe leather works well. Search engines? Not so much…

Okay, so you’ve built a custom weblog to help sell your home, and you’ve dressed it up with photos, a map, a floorplan — every bit of content you could think of. Now what?

Your home now has a twenty-four-hour salesperson on the internet. How do you go about getting potential buyers to visit your blog?

Perhaps surprisingly, the answer is not search engines. For one thing, your site is brand new. The search engines don’t even know it exists. Even if you manage to get indexed, you won’t have the kind of popularity to bring you to the top of search results for your keywords.

But there is an even more compelling reason why search engines won’t be much help to you: Visitors brought in by search engines are very loosely motivated. Many will have been looking for something else entirely, so they will bounce right back off your site in seconds flat.

Your objective in promoting your weblog is to target people who are motivated to buy your home — or who know someone who is motivated to buy your home. Your job is not to broadcast your appeal to everyone but to narrowcast to just those people who can do you the most good.

You’ll put notices about your weblog anywhere online that you can —,,, local weblogs supporting nearby schools, little league teams, etc. But your primary promotional strategy is going to be offline — person to person.

We print business card-sized promotional pieces to advertise our open houses. These are distributed to every house in the neighborhood, since the neighbors may know someone who wants to live nearby.

During the school day, there will be more than 100 cars in the school parking lot, most of them driven there from out of the neighborhood. Some of those folks are sick of commuting.

Most local retailers will have some kind of bulletin board. Your cards belong there.

Your buyers probably won’t Read more

When Times Are Hard – Nothing Beats A Free Peep Show

Right Now – More Than Ever – You Need To Make Every Dollar Count

One of the services that agents should provide to their clients is photography. Some perform this service, themselves; others hire professional photographers; while most perform this service, themselves – but should hire professionals, instead.

I enjoy photography, and joined a photography group last year here in Atlanta. They use Flickr as a means to communicate the groups conversations and show off their member’s works. Flickr (now owned by Yahoo!) is a huge group of photo enthusiasts where you can find pretty much any kind of like-minded photographers and their works imaginable.

One of the groups on Flickr is the Photography For Real Estate group of which I am a member. The group focuses on the challenges of real estate photography. Although most of the members are photographers who contract their services to agents – many are agents, themselves, learning to improve their skills.

You can set up an account on Flickr for free, which will allow you to upload and share photos with the world. That’s free – as in no cost. Nada. The big goose egg. There are some limitations to a free account, such as only being able to create three groups of photos… but a pro membership is just $30/year, should you desire.

As many of you are progressing into setting up your own blogs, you might be looking at different ways to insert images into a blog post. While Flickr does have the capability to compose code that you can use to insert images into your blog, a Swedish company called Admarket created an application called FlickrSLiDR, which takes a group of your Flickr photos and creates a slideshow for your blog.

It is easy to use… and the application delivers the goods. The viewer can mouse around to set the speed of the slideshow, pause it, or go to a particular image.

To help demonstrate this cool application, I have solicited the talents of famed photographer Scott Hargis, who is based in the Oakland California area. Scott is the most admired photographer in the Flickr Photography For Real Read more