There’s always something to howl about.

Category: Technology (page 27 of 60)

Listing real estate the Bloodhound way: A marketing quiz to shed light on the full value of the Coffee Table Books we make for our listings

I’ve written about the Coffee Table Books we make for some of our listings, and I talked about them briefly at BloodhoundBlog Unchained. I wanted to go into the idea in greater detail, because I think this is a case where, if you don’t understand all of our thinking, you could easily miss the big picture by focusing on the pixels.

Cathleen Collins invented the idea of doing Coffee Table Books for listings. She knew what we wanted, and then she searched the internet to find a way to do it. (We use Apple’s iPhoto, but you get get similar products from Shutterfly. H/T Cheryl Johnson.) We’re not always this lucky. We knew what we wanted in custom yard signs years before we were able to find a vendor who could do it.

To understand our marketing objectives, we need to start at the top. A Coffee Table Book is an objet d’art. It is only secondarily a book. It is primarily a statement about the subject of that book. By its nature, a Coffee Table Book says, “This is important. This is no mere casual, ordinary thing. This is an object or event that deserves to be heralded, celebrated, honored.” That’s why these books can only work for certain homes, and, why, incidentally, I think it’s a mistake to violate the format. If you turn your Coffee Table Book into a hard-cover version of the kind of comb-bound listing books produced by title companies, you cheapen your impact — possibly to the point of anti-marketing — and frustrate your objectives.

So the sine qua non of a Coffee Table Book is an exceptional home. The book says, “This home is extraordinary,” so the home has to be extraordinary enough to justify the existence of the book.

And this comes back to the knock-their-socks-off idea of marketing a listing. The Coffee Table Book expresses your total commitment to your sellers, and it makes the same kind of impression on potential buyers. A Coffee Table Book will not paper over the defects in an ugly, dirty, decrepit home, but it will make your listing stand Read more

Inmanically Incorrect: Vendors Are Tools

I think a little bit differently about marketing than Greg Swann does.  Not much, but we’re of slightly different mindsets.  I’m not scared to call a name a lead, a voice on the phone a prospect, a loan applicant a borrower, and a funded loan recipient a client.  I KNOW they’re people because I’ve always treated them as people. I don’t need a rip off of a Nike ad to tell me that.   Ain’t nuttin’ original about treating people who inquire about your services with respect;  Sister Brigid taught me that back in 1972.

Greg and I think a bit differently about vendors, also. While Greg envisions a world without vendors, I see them as a necessary evil.  My goal is to maximize the necessary (efficacy) while reducing the evil (money paid).  The problem with the whole vendor/practitioner relationship is that practitioners are looking for the little purple pill; the shortcut.  That’s what the charlatans prey upon.

We talked about this at Unchained. Mary McKnight taught us how the fish can find your bait,  Louis Cammarosano gave us a demonstration about how to cast our nets,  Steve Hundley taught us how to hook them, and Ron Cates taught us how to prepare them so that they’re edible. Moreover, David Gibbons taught us where the schools of fish are swimming so that you’re better prepared for the next big expedition.

All of them…”vendors”. Vendors inasmuch as they insert themselves in between the practitioner and the customer and get paid for it. They get paid for it because they deliver hungry people to your restaurant for less money than it would cost to do yourself.

Should Greg’s utopian prayer of zero acquisition cost be a virtue? Of course.  We should all strive for utopia.  His message, if I’m not mistaken, is that the brave new world is building pressure behind the dammed chokepoints so that the chokepoints have to evaluate their efficacy.  The smart ones are evolving their models to increase their efficacy while the irrelevant proclaim that we practitioners are all idiots.

Wanna know how I know this? I watched them call you “glorified delivery people, gatherers Read more

The world you find is the world you’re looking for…

The Associated Press has a story this morning on on how weak and powerless people feel when they spend too much time obsessing over the news and not enough time pursuing their values.

I thought I’d share with you a photograph that seems to me to be a perfect expression of how weak and powerless humanity really is:

(Many more here.)

The universe, by definition, is everything there is. But your every experience of the universe starts and ends inside your mind. Your experience of life will be precisely as splendorous or as squalid as you want it to be. Do you want to change the universe, forever, for the good? Start by changing the way you think.

The just-exactly-how-dumb-are-you Realtor-spam of the day: Effection might come at a high price, but at least it’s fleeting

This one came to me as real-world spam, and it has a cloying kind of plausibility to it:

Hmm… That’s almost kindasorta a good idea, isn’t it? Laptop in the car? Maybe not so much. Wi-Fi-enabled PDF? They’re out there, but the iPhone.2 is going to EDGE every other hand-held device to the sidelines. In fact, both types of iPhones are Wi-Fi-enabled, but we know that Wi-Fi is going to be Wi-ped out within a few years.

Even so… Let’s go to the videotape:

I don’t actually hate this idea, but the pitch to the consumer boils down to this: “Your Realtor is too lazy to service your flyer box, so let’s sell him a high-tech gimmick so he can express his laziness in a different way.” I like the idea of doing more to sell listings, but I hate every variety of the brains-not-included plug-n-chug solution.

But that’s as may be. How much does it cost for an eLapTopTour web site?

Holy cow! They might be plug-n-chug, but they’re cheap: $65, $85 or $95.

But wait. As Tom Waits says, “The large print giveth and the small print taketh away.” Witness:

effectioNet’s pricing schedule is very simple: we lease the device for a fee of $50 per month.[…]

We do require a $150 deposit, fully refundable on return of the device intact, and, we offer a 6 month minimum lease.

The program works on a first month’s lease of $50 + $150 deposit. Then an auto deduction will be taken each month for the balance of the term. We take PayPal and/or all major credit cards.

Townes Van Zandt said, “If you want good friends, they’re gonna cost you,” and effectioNet’s affections are going to run you $365 minimum. Per listing. What will you have at the end of your six month minimum lease? Fond memories.

So let’s say this is demi-semi-sorta plausible. The idea behind the product is kind of half-baked, especially since we already know how to do much better single-property websites than this plug-and-chug upchuck. If we’re committed to the idea but not the execution, what might work better instead?

You can buy new-in-box Mac Minis for $600 Read more

Speaking in tongues: Parsing structured data on the fly

This is not ProjectBloodhound material, at least not first semester stuff. But if you find yourself running into highly structured data — such as the reports from a spreadsheet or a database application — you have the ability to easily manipulate that data in PHP.

This is a simple example, but you don’t have to limit yourself to doing simple things. Imagine a data structure like this:

Name[tab]Phone Number
Cathleen Collins[tab]602-369-9275
Greg Swann[tab]602-740-7531

In the file the code shown here as “[tab]” would be an actual tab character, and this kind of data goes by the arcane name of: A tab-delimited file.

Most programming languages were written by exacting people with abstract and elegant reasons for everything they did. PHP was written by overbooked programmers who needed to pound out new web pages as quickly as possible.

In consequence, PHP is optimized for dealing with highly structured data. Here is a short program that will take a tab-delimited phone number file as input and output reformatted phone numbers into the HTML stream. In other words, this code could produce a dynamically-updated phone list in what what might otherwise be a static web page:


$fi = fopen("PhoneNums.txt","r");
$line = fgets ($fi, 4096); // throw away fieldDef line

echo ("<b>Phone Numbers</b><br>");

while (!feof($fi))
    $line = fgets ($fi, 4096);

    list ($Name, $Phone_Number) = explode ("\t", $line);

    if ($Name)
        echo ("$Phone_Number <i>($Name)</i><br>");

fclose ($fi);

There is one line that makes all the difference for this kind of work:

    list ($Name, $Phone_Number) = explode ("\t", $line);

The stuff between the parenthesis are our known field names, and we’re using them as variable names for clarity’s sake. The explode function will create an array of separate fields from the text stored in the $line variable, splitting the fields on the tab character. The list function then inherits the array just created by explode and assigns each field to the appropriate field name variables. We only have two fields Read more

Ultra Basic GTD (Getting Things Done) for Solo Warriors.

I’m a big fan of GTD.  More than any of the dozens of books I’ve read on goals and time management, Getting Things Done by David Allen enriched my life and changed my outcomes.   Most of the sentences in Getting Things Done can be followed by “no shit.” But, as my friend Julie Harris says, sometimes the “no shit” points are the most important.

All of us 2.0/3.0 agents here can do well to follow Jeff Brown’s stellar advice.  But execution is the key, Just…do it.

Kludges are very helpful when we’re trying to get something finished.  Worrying about if this is the ‘latest,’ productivity tool is usually a waste of time.   Having dead simple tools like dry erase boards and index executed zealously is WAY more useful than having a half ass implementation of the worlds most perfect solution.  I rock a Hipster PDA because there’s something unignorable about index cards.  You can turn a Palm/Iphone off, but if you have things to do, they will be reflected in the stack of cards you’re carrying. Is it as slick as an Iphone?  No, but since I made the damn thing it works.

Instead of having calendared reminders, I took a sheet of paper, and made a basic table: 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Blog Post

Call 20 Past Clients

Post to Facebook Groups

5 LinkedIn Questions answered.

Blog Post

contact 10 financial planners

contact 10 attorneys
send e-zine

…and so on.  Click for a full version. Both 1.0 and 2.0 activities are on the list.  If you’ve got a solid plan, it’s one of the easiest ways to force yourself to execute.  If I’m behind, I have a VISUAL reminder.  What’s hard is setting a realistic schedule and trusting it…that’s another post altogether.  (And yes, I have a monthly version and a quarterly version, too…this has kept me from needing an assistant because I have my tasks laid out in a linear fashion.)

My page It’s laminated #70 card stock so it has some weight. I use a  Vis a Vis wet erase marker to mark things Read more

Speaking in tongues: A very simple A/B switch for testing the pull-power of landing-page variations

We talked about landing pages at Unchained: When someone who is interested in relocating to Phoenix lands on our brokerage weblog, I want for that party to land on my relocation page, rather than just at the top of the blog. Why? Because if I provide the exact information my visitor is looking for, I have a much better chance of converting that person into a client.

This is important: Social media marketing is direct marketing — target marketing, not viral marketing. WordPress sells itself by viral marketing. You sell your business on a WordPress weblog by direct marketing, by focusing your attentions on particular, identifiable prospects. Of all the people writing on BloodhoundBlog, the on who has the most to teach us about this is Richard Riccelli, Delphic and sphinx-like but overflowing with brilliant direct marketing ideas.

So what’s better than a landing page? Richard can beat me up, if he wants, for getting this all wrong, but the direct marketer’s answer is simple: Better than a landing page are two landing pages — pitted against each other.

Advertising is a prayer to the heavens, but direct marketing is testable. Is long copy more effective that than a shorter appeal? Test it. Will a question or a promise work better as the headline? Test it. Do brief forms produce more leads? Do more rigorous forms produce stronger leads? These are testable propositions.

But: There is a caveat: You have to be getting enough traffic to make testing worthwhile. If your long copy beats your short copy two-to-one, it means nothing if you only have three instances to judge from. A Google Adwords campaign is eminently testable, as is a Zillow EZ Ads promotion. On your hyperlocal real estate weblog, you may have to let your tests run for a while before you draw any conclusions.

And what should you do when you do prove that one way works better than another? Test two variations of the winning strategy against each other. And test everything else while you’re at it.

Okayfine. There is no limit to what you can learn about direct marketing, and Brian and I Read more

Social Media, Facebook, Identity and Complex Relationships

hamlet.jpgThe advent of social media has changed the way we communicate, do business and relate to the internet. Now everyone has the opportunity and means to create their own hamlet in the kingdom of the web. In the kingdom of the web countries are being formed and the good news is that the New Country is the country that should be — free, prosperous and open to those with the ambition to create.

Facebook has become a platform (free country) whereby applications and features can be added outside central control. In my opinion, Facebook has created the standard. The mistake many social media efforts made was creating centrally controlled sites not open to the many possible applications from outside. Facebook is creating something endlessly fascinating, chockful of possibilities for individuals to create their worlds and establish their identities.

Furthermore, Facebook is creating an information stream that will most likely become more and more powerful as time goes on and more applications are added, and as more and more people use it to share their links, offerings, wisdom and news. The great thing about it is that the information is user-generated and not controlled by Facebook’s idea of what is valuable.

This combination of open-source and open-use whereby the user can create a hamlet of personalized space to create identity and share with friends and associates is incredibly attractive to those who want to establish presence and a base of operation. An operating system where the user has control to develop their own information network is changing the way the internet is used. I have only begun to see the possibilities for my system — not only business-wise as a real estate broker, but as a person utilizing the internet to create social space that gives me identity and enables me to connect to streams of useful and enriching information — and to create complex relationships that form a diverse network.

Perhaps “complex” is not the best word, but what I mean is the operating system builds a diverse network of relationships that are connected in more and more far-reaching ways — from friends, to consumers, to colleagues, to Read more

How are you gonna keep ’em up in your vertical real estate search portal when the future of home search is horizontal — and Google’s?

Do this: Go to Google and search for Phoenix, AZ real estate. We don’t compete for that term — we’re coming in like 34th place — but a lot of people do — like 3.5 million hits for the keyword without quotes.

Here’s what’s interesting:

Out of those 3.5 million search results, Google Base’s Housing Search comes first. That would be true for any other City, ST real estate search you might want to run. You don’t need the state if the search is unambiguous.

Yes, Google Base doesn’t have a lot of listings so far — only about 4.7 million. That’s twice as many as has right now, but it’s still not very many. The data sources are many and disparate, so it’s plausible that there are some duplicates in there, too.

And, yes, the search interface is horrible. It hasn’t changed much, if at all, in the past year. But who is willing to bet it won’t change in the next year?

For plain vanilla horizontal search — of practically anything — Google is god — omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent. If you need more than plain vanilla horizontal search, you have to go vertical — but google wants your vertical real estate search to go vertical with them, too.

There’s more. The upshot of the DOJ/NAR settlement is that the IDX level of real estate search is likely to become ubiquitous. Right now, Google Base is limping along like and — partnering relationships with a few MLS systems, a few big brokerage chains, a few listings remarkers like flyer and virtual tour vendors, and direct entry by home-sellers and their real estate agents. That’s about to change as MLS systems, either directly or through IDX vendors or VOWs, make every MLS listing available to all takers.

If you’re, how are you going to hang onto an audience that can get essentially the same results from the same place they get all their other results — from

If you’re — in pastels — what do you have to offer end-users that will be so much more valuable — a year from now Read more

iPhone 2.0 debuts with faster 3G wireless and a built-in GPS system — and a $199 price tag for the 8GB model. Video? Flash? Javascript? Ask later, but third-party apps also debut on July 11. [Updated]

TechCrunch, but this news will be everywhere:

Apple announced its new 3G iPhone today. It is much thinner, much faster, and much cheaper than its predecessor. Starting at $199, you get an 8 gigabyte device with GPS that works on AT&T’s high-speed 3G network (as opposed to the slower EDGE network all previous iPhones are bound to). A 16 gigabyte version will go for $299. Considering that the current 8 GB iPhones cost $399, that is quite a steal. The battery is supposed to support 300 hours of standby time, 5 to 6 hours of Web browsing, 7 hours of video, and 24 hours of audio. But talk time is cut in half from 10 hours to 5 hours, when using the 3G network. The launch date is July 11.

The New York Times:

The biggest news from Apple is what Steve Jobs didn’t say: It has completely changed the basis of its deals with AT&T and other wireless carriers.

According to a press release from AT&T, the carrier will no longer give a portion of monthly usage fees to Apple. Instead carriers will pay Apple a subsidy for each phone sold, in order to bring the price from $399 down to $199 for the 8 Gigabyte model. The company did not specify the amount of the subsidy. Subsidies of $200 to $300 are common in the industry.

What is more, consumers will now pay $30 a month for unlimited data service from AT&T, compared to $20 under the plan introduced last year. So even though the phone will now cost $200, consumers will be out more cash at the end of a two-year contract compared to the previous deal.

Of course, that includes faster 3G data service, so the price increase may be worth it. But we should call it an iPhone price increase, not a cut.

Unlimited data service for business users will cost $45 a month.


AT&T also said in its release that it now has 3G data service in 280 metropolitan areas, and that will increase to 350 areas by the end of the year.

For Apple, this move to getting all its money up front Read more

Planning to retire at 50? Good on ya! Have you made plans for living a hundred years beyond that? In a world that changes like dreams?

Unless you come down with a fatal disease or find yourself in a gun battle, you’re probably going to live a lot longer than you ever imagined. This week’s news is interesting, but life-extension is a secondary consequence of everything associated with free markets. That trend is centuries old by now — better food and water, personal hygiene, continuous improvements in medicine, the widespread availability of something as mundane as fresh cow’s milk.

And just think how much longer and richer your life could be if you weren’t carrying 50% or more in parasitic government weight on your back. The interesting thing is that the rate of change is increasing far faster than governments and other misanthropes can drag it down. My own personal dictum has always been, “They can’t enslave us if they can’t catch us.” The literate third of the globe is at that point now. The other two thirds are just a few years away. If we can navigate the next few years without blowing ourselves up, we will reach a point where the average middle class household in the United States will control more real wealth than entire countries would have owned just a few centuries ago.

I’m sure I’ve cited this before, and this version of the film is an antique by now — it’s almost a year old — but this is a very compelling presentation:

Of course you cannot make any detailed plans about living decades longer than you expected with everything changing constantly — and at an ever-accelerating rate of change. The truth of the matter is, if you live to be 150 years old, you have a decent chance of living forever. The even more startling truth is that the ever-accelerating rate of change in all branches of technology is racing us toward a singularity, a point where all of our models of understanding break down and we have no rational means of predicting what will happen.

No one can predict the future more than a few years out, but what you can do is reprogram your mind. In omnia paratus — prepared for everything. If Read more

An Unchained expostulation: Guess who is not coming to Inman?

We made a ton of video clips at BloodhoundBlog Unchained. made a bunch more, and theirs feature strange and esoteric production elements like good lighting and audible sound. The difference is, ours were on YouTube right away, and theirs took a while to gestate. One that I’ve been waiting for finally hatched today, yours truly on the subject of being Unchained:

If you watch that clip, this should be obvious, but I’ll say it anyway: I don’t tell people what to do. There are no rules for BloodhoundBlog contributors. I don’t like rules, but I also don’t like working with people who need to be told what to do — and I really don’t like working with people who try to tell other people what to do.

That paragraph is predicate to this one: Since there is no Official BloodhoundBlog Policy on anything, it should be obvious that there is no Official BloodhoundBlog Policy on Inman Connect. Bloodhounds have been invited to speak at the last couple of events, and I, personally, have no feelings about this one way or another.

But, oddly enough, for this summer’s event, only one Bloodhound has been invited to speak,’s Galen Ward. That’s not completely true. Just after Unchained, Brian Brady was approached, perhaps as a ham-handed divide-and-conquer strategy. But Cheryl Johnson was not invited to teach PhotoShop, Eric Blackwell and Eric Bramlett weren’t invited to teach SEO, Geno Petro wasn’t invited to teach the art of mesmerizing an audience. Mike Farmer, Sean Purcell and Jeff Brown are, each in his own way, reinventing the real estate brokerage, but this is not a topic of interest at Inman Connect.

In other words, there does seem to be an Official BloodhoundBlog Policy on Inman Connect, but it doesn’t originate here.

So be it. We care a lot. As is discussed in the clip, BloodhoundBlog Unchained set a new standard for training events in the wired world of real estate in our first swing at the ball. We dropped the ball completely on the drinking and partying and killing time in the hallways categories, but I know we traded a Read more

3 Hours On Blogging, Sponsored By The Chicago Association of REALTORS

Chicago There’s lots of ways to waste three hours:

  1. Watch The English Patient
  2. Commute from Norristown to Manhattan
  3. Wait in line for Space Mountain

Now, one more: Come hear me talk about blogging next week in Chicago.

As part of its Hot Topics series, The Chicago Association of REALTORS is trotting me out to educate Chicagoland real estate, mortgage and title professionals about writing effective blogs that build client loyalty and new business.

Novice or Pro, there’s something for everyone. And seriously — there are worse ways to spend your morning.

The two 3-hour sessions are:

  • June 12: 6600 W. Irving Park Rd, 9:00 A.M.
  • June 13: 200 S. Michigan Ave, 9:00 A.M.

CAR is charging $49 for members and $69 for non-members. If you’re in the latter group, use my name as a reference and you’ll get the member pricing. And feel free to bring guests — I really enjoy playing to a packed house.

What does understand that is missing? “Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn.”

I think that there may have been a time, in the blue-sky days of gray-skyed Seattle, when people with two-digit badge numbers at actually thought they might be able to disintermediate Realtors — much as had disintermediated travel agents. No one at Zillow will admit to this, but I suspect that a notion like this could have been in the original design parameters for the hypothetical software they were brainstorming in those days.

If this is true, then, to their credit, they came to their senses. Presumably, they realized, first, that the National Association of Realtors is a ferocious criminal mob that will do anything to destroy perceived competition, and, second, that, as simple as it might seem from the outside, real estate representation is too complicated to be automated cost-effectively, at least for now. Instead, made a conscious and thorough-going decision to partner with real estate agents and lenders, offering them exposure on its platform in exchange for building out its content.

You could argue that made a similar resolution, but it seems more likely to me that the San Francisco start-up is simply aping Zillow’s partnership with individual practitioners without really understanding it.

From a distance, the differences in the partnering relationships of the two companies could not be more stark. At Trulia, the most important kind of partner is the one who can deliver the most listings. The hierarchy runs from brokerage chain to brokerage to broker to agent to seller.

Zillow’s hierarchy is the other way around: The most important source of information about a home is that home’s owner. Next comes the agent, followed by the broker, the brokerage and the brokerage chain.

In both cases, higher parties on the hierarchy have the power to override — and thus usurp — the contributions of lower parties. What this means in practice is that sellers and their listing agents are regarded as being the least authoritative sources of information at Trulia — and therefore the last in line to receive practical benefits from the leads that might be generated by the on-line reiteration of the agent’s listing of Read more