More speculation this week surrounds Twitter – word has it Apple’s dangling $700 million in front of them. Well roll me up in saxony carpet and toss me on down the stairs – but I don’t get it.
If I’m understanding this correctly, the object of Twitter is to get as many complete strangers as possible to “follow” you. In return, you’ll be a swell guy and follow them back. The next step is to “Tweet” mindless nonsense so your “followers” can ignore you in 160 characters or less.
Now that’s not to say that everyone’s Tweets are nonsense and ignored. Only about 99.5% of them. The other .5% are gems worthy of “Re-Tweeting”. Huh? I guess blogging’s become oh-so-2006, which is a bummer because I’m just starting to get the hang of it.
As Twitter-mania spins out of control, we have CNN battling Ashton Kutcher in a race to 1 million followers (which got me thinking, what’s Ted Turner’s commission rate on the $700 million?). An NBA player is reprimanded by his coach for “Tweeting” during halftime of a game. Oh the humanity!
I have a lot of questions, and I know that the Bloodhound Nation is the right place to turn for answers: Is Twitter the new SPAM? What happens when each of us follows 2,500 people and 2,500 people follow us? Do we then just hire an assistant to sort through our daily tweets?
If you’re pro-Twitter, I’d love to hear how you’re putting it to work for you. Are you seeing tangible results? If so, are they scalable – ie: will they diminish w/ clutter or do you foresee future success as Twitter grows? Where does Twitter rank in your Social Media hierarchy?
More importantly, is Twitter a fad? Apparently Apple doesn’t think so. Where do you guys see Twitter a couple years down the road?