“There is more to making excuses for an untrained puppy than just the excuse-making.”
No one will stop you. Ask me how I know.
If what you want is to hurt people, you can get dead – and the sooner the better. But if all you want to do is live your life the way you want – go ahead. Nobody cares.
I think most people like to see themselves as being obedient, where I am very proud to have been born a rebel. But it remains that what we think of as civil society is simply the uniform expression of the self-restraint we learned as toddlers, primarily from our fathers. We are in a graduated state of collapse not because of Marxism as such, but because Marxism has so-successfully undermined fatherhood.
Whatever. As you know from your habituated lawlessness on the freeway, a “law” that is “enforced” by a sign is a joke. You have occasion to laugh everywhere. Where Irish Democracy won’t work, White Mutiny will. And when all else fails, you put down your tools, sit down on your ass and wait. “Who is John Galt?” That would be you, compadre.
Self-governance is all the governance there ever was. When the state makes war on its own stability, Practical Anarchism – maximizing your own family’s interests in the maelstrom – will be all the law that’s left to you.
In other news:
Redfin.com: Fewer Homes for Sale in September; Declining Number of Listings Holds Back Home Sales.
City Journal: From Malls to Homes: An obscure new law may help alleviate California’s housing shortage.
Michael Ledeen: Is China Falling? Selling off resources, purging top officials, and defaulting on debt.
American Thinker: Requiem for the Roth IRA.
Christopher Rufo: Walmart vs. Whiteness: The company’s new training program tells hourly employees that they are guilty of “internalized racial superiority.”