“Who can say the words ‘synthetic meat’ and not hear ‘dog food’?”
However: If the point of living is to save the planet from himself, he could do so much better. For example, he could check into a Seattle SRO, sit down in a wooden chair and shut-the-frolic-up, thus reducing his ‘carbon footprint’ even more drastically.
Or, of course, he could do as all misanthropes should do and deliver himself to oblivion – thus curing his imaginary obsession and relieving the rest of us, at least a little, of the pestilence of ‘merciful’ genocidal maniacs.
The bad news? Comic-book super-villains are not Ci by accident. The good news, ever and always: Where it is possible to choose not to reproduce, Ci is self-extinguishing. Assuming Fauci and Gates are not sterilizing all of us with either the virus or its vaccines, only Ds matters, going forward.
In other news:
Housing Wire: Could the great refi boom finally be over?
City Journal: Hanging in There: On a landlord’s pandemic plight.
Brad Polumbo: Federal Government Lost 5x More to COVID Stimulus Fraud Than It Spent on Vaccine Development, New Report Reveals.
Naiomi Wolf: The End of America?