We got clobbered by something big Friday morning. I haven’t read the server logs, and My Eyes Glaze Over anyway, but the ISP shut down HTTP access for our own safety.
That much is just right. When bad guys bounce, they bounce elsewhere. An hour or two later, you’d never know there was a storm.
Alas, it was Easter weekend. The ISP was understaffed, and I inkle that BloodhoundBlog was not the only site affected. It’s a jungle out there.
In any case, like the world itself this Easter Monday, we are redeemed. I had been on a 221-day blogging streak, so starting today I get to try to beat that number.
I’m glad you’re here. And more and more every day, I’m glad we’re here.
In other news:
Housing Wire: Asking prices of newly listed homes reach all-time high.
Redfin: Homes Sell At Fastest Pace on Record—59% Under Contract within 2 Weeks.
Housing Wire: Mortgage rates hold steady at 3.18%.
Rob Hahn: Zillow is Not Your Competition: A Point from My Presentations.
Fox News: Police defunded: Major cities feeling the loss of police funding as murders, other crimes soar.
American Thinker: I Work in the Public School System. Critical Race Theory Is Everywhere.
Andrea Widburg: How not to cower before the COVID police.