The real thing that pissed me off about the well intentioned jackals at Agent ReBoot was not what was explicitly taught: it was what was implied. Somehow you need oodles of traffic to be successful. Somehow, you need oodles of Facebook Likes. That somehow all being able to be at the center a tepid and tense noisy murmur was what it takes to be Real Successful in Real Estate.
And I’ve made the mistake too. For a long time, I thought it was simple math: converting a tiny percentage of mostly indifferent people would scale. You would LinkIn a bunch of people on MyTwitFace and voila! Winning!
So you take every friend request you can, and you add the pople you connect with, as force of habit. If someone has 6-7 friends in common, you add them too. Winning.
You fire up a blogpost or two,pass it along and your new friends and strangers dutifly comment something often indistinguishable from the stuff that winds up on the wrong side of your akismet filter.
“Nice post, you laid it on me.” they dutifly say. And you in turn go through the WP dashboard to their sites. “You make nice post to, I love to hear you on this topic! ” It’s all about the dofollow, baby. Getcher linkbacks here, and on to the next one.
Winning. You have a metric to measure: friends, contacts, twitbacks, clicks and raw traffic. Woot. Winning. You’re winning that game, the war for comments. You’re marching your army of 12,000 Twitter Bots, 2100 indifferent Facebookers, and another few hundered people that are still shuffling around the empty halls on LinkedSpace. Duh, winning!
Bad contacts- just like bad money –drive out good contacts. You had a Facebook full of300 friends, coworkers and neighbors. You were connected to these people. You were warmed when you saw the pictures they posted. Now? You have 300 of your friends. But now your Facebook had been “improved” by the 700 Realtors from across the country, the 200 vendors that follow them, and just recently a herd of zebra showed up. Now, instead of the people you love and know, Read more