Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction. — Albert Einstein
Mike wrote:
If you don’t have a sense of humor, you probably don’t have any sense at all.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Mr. Shaw.
And to everyone else here.
You see, salutations can be expressed without including a condescending, gratuitous insult; try it sometime.
Fair enough. As you were obviously smart enough to see that the humor line was intended for you (without me saying so) I’m going to attempt to respond to the whole “David Lereah Issue” without (after all, it IS Christmas) making any snide comments towards you (or any of the other people who may share your views). First, I am not “defending” David Lereah. I don’t know him and I have never paid any attention to any specific statement or prediction he has made. I don’t even know how long he has been the chief economist for the NAR. I have no data to suggest that any of his predictions or forecasts are ever accurate and I am not claiming that they are. I will also state that I have read comments from people who have meet him and / or have listened to him speak and from all accounts the reports would indicate that he is a likable person and comes off as well informed and intelligent.
For the purposes of what I want us to look at here, we can think of David Lereah as the equivalent of a stopped clock – at a minimum, he is going to be right twice a day with the correct time. So, if the point is that he is usually wrong – lets just agree, he is almost always wrong. For me, he does not cast a “long shadow”. I don’t think most REALTORS even know who he is, or what he has to say – let alone the general public. I don’t believe that most people who live in the United States give a crap what he or anyone Read more