We all have the right to be free from our pimp in Chicago.
It’s the speech code that’s put me off the reservation. Until lately the NAR has been a nuisance to me, but now it is an active menace. I would abhor thought police even if they were not targeted at my kind of thinking.
But: Not as easy as I had hoped. I had thought our MLS could dance without its pimp in Chicago, but it cannot, at least for now.
Accordingly, I have asked for ARMLS, the Phoenix Association of Realtors and the Arizona Association of Realtors to create a new product category for me and other agents who understand economics and/or don’t want the NAR threatening their careers.
Here is the bulk of my missive, and feel free to borrow text at will, if you want to make a similar appeal of your own associations:
I will need for ARMLS, the PAR and the AAR to build a parallel product for me. I like ARMLS and the AAR forms library and wish to keep them, but I do not want to pay any of my money or to lend any of my moral support to any political or ideological organization.
This is the logic behind the right-to-work laws, and it seems reasonable to me that you should already have done this. I expect many agents will join me in this product category, once it is available.
You are perfectly free to attend the church of your choice, but there is nothing of justice in forbidding any American his own beliefs and forcing yours upon him.
I’m asking all of you, collectively, to stop doing that.
This is a completely satisfactory solution for me. I want to work with your de facto monopoly businesses, but I don’t wish to be compelled to go to your church.
Can I be free of you amicably?
Thanks for your thoughtful consideration,
Greg Swann
Designated Broker
No rational man believes in luck as a cause, and yet fortune favors the well-prepared mind. Comes today news of the massive Department of Read more