Inman Blog, this week’s host of the Carnival of Real Estate, sets the bar even higher than we did last week, cutting the list of entries down to a solid ten. Astoundingly enough, we took first place.
Why astounding? For one thing, we had come to fear that our urbanity was eclipsed by an overarching arcanity: We thought we might be too hard to read. Plus which, we cut all four of Inman Blog’s entries last week because we thought they were too short. We never for a moment thought they would be so petty as to exact revenge — but it would be hard to blame them if they did.
Todd Tarson is in town tomorrow for an AAR event, so we’ll save the celebratory drink until he stops by to say hello. In the mean time, we’re off to read all the other great entrants, and we commend you thither. (Who is hard to read?)
Technorati Tags: arizona, arizona real estate, blogging, compensation for buyer representation, disintermediation, phoenix, phoenix real estate, real estate marketing