Rich Barton asking: “Why do some people take an instant dislike to me?”
My answer: “To save time”.
I’ll give Rich Barton and Zillow full credit for listening to the PR firm they must have hired. Just last February this is what Rich was saying:
Zillow’s Barton was quoted as saying that inevitably real estate services and fees will change as online services take hold. “I’m not implying that we have some new commission model figured out, but it feels like . . . Realtor services are going to be unbundled a bit,” he told Inman Real Estate News.
Nice, huh? Right out of the gate and the most important thing he has to say to the press is how HE is going to help drive down real estate commissions. Here is more from our new best friend, Rich Barton:
“People want Realtors,” he said. “But is it rational to pay Realtors what they are paid?” He says he thinks they are overpaid because customers are doing more of the work themselves.
Zillow, for instance, has a number of other features that do the work of the agent. Someone wanting to compare properties can use pull-down menus to estimate the value of remodeling projects that are not reflected in the price. Because of the Internet, agents are spending less time with clients, Mr. Barton said. “Agents have to ask, What kind of value am I adding?”
Mr. Barton does not exclude the possibility that the role of the agent, and his site, may change.
Good News Everyone! Rich added: “it is not our intent to dislocate the agent.”
He wants us all to earn less but he is willing to let us keep our jobs. This is good news – especially in light of the way he is now (just 10 months later) being heralded as being on the verge of changing real estate for the better. It wouldn’t seem quite so wild except it is Realtors doing the horn blowing for him. What must have occurred in that boardroom in Seattle?
“Listen Rich, if we are ever going to take over the industry you are going to Read more