In response to this post, Russ Cofano (of Rain City Guide fame) wrote:
“For a division of the United States government to allege some sort of Realtor price fixing in an industry that is so overloaded (sic) with competition that it almost defies belief IS breading hate and contempt.”
In the present suit against NAR, the DOJ is not alleging price fixing. They are alleging a violation of federal anti-trust laws because of anti-competitive policies that allegedly make it more difficult for non-traditional brokers to “play”, harm consumer choice and stifle innovation. Russ
Thank you for the correction, Russ. There may also be other false impressions for me on this issue. I would be very interested in having someone who is extremely articulate and well informed (like you, for example!) explain why the DOJ may be right to go after the NAR on this point. I’m all for a level playing field for anyone who wants to play. But aren’t the “anti-competitive policies” basically who has the right to decide how and where listings will be displayed?
If you’re game – either send anything you want to post to me or just put it in the comments section and I’ll get an email notice from BloodhoundBlog. It would be a LOT more fun than the agency smackdown.
I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.
– Gerry Spence