There’s always something to howl about.

Category: Blogging (page 11 of 84)

Bearing the sacred mantle of insolence in the Parliament of Whores: Win one of two free sets of BloodhoundBlog Unchained DVDs in “The just-exactly-how-dumb-are-you Realtor-scam of the week” contest!

Q: What’s the difference between cows and Realtors?

A: When they get the urge to be milked, cows don’t fly to trade shows at their own expense, wandering from booth to booth with their udders out.

Well. I certainly feel vindicated. The RSSPieces clusterfrolic is further proof of the advice I gave about dealing with vendors a year ago:

1. Avoid hosted software systems
2. Avoid proprietary technology
3. Pursue commodity solutions — and prices

BloodhoundBlog has been vindicated much more than I expected this year. On issue after issue, we’re the only national real estate voice to be heard on the topic:

In March, I noted that much of the had gotten in bed with Brad Inman. Minions of the NAR — I called them the “nice niche” and Teri Lussier is turning it into a meme — have made their incursions as well. The result is that, at the national level, we are the only consistent voice left for consumers and for the grunts on the ground, the people who actually do real estate — rather than strive to find new ways of milking Realtors and lenders of their income.

We are what we are, and I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I just didn’t expect to have the entire battlefield abandoned to us. Obviously we can more than bear the load. I worried for a while about Vlad’s Legal Defense fund, but we’ve more than covered what we’ve needed so far. For a time I was mildly dismayed that too much of the wired world of real estate seems, per Emerson, “to wear one cut of face and figure, and acquire by degrees the gentlest asinine expression” — but that certainly doesn’t describe anything that happens here.

Real estate is a vendorslut industry, Read more

Project Bloodhound: Great debaters: Making the most of comments with conversations, and controversy

My family’s heritage is German/Austrian on one side and Irish on the other, and I like to romantize that mix by thinking it’s a perfect blend that makes us both strong and passionate. Some of my favorite memories are of family get togethers over dinner. We talk through the dinner, we clear the dishes and spend an hour or more talking, sharing, discussing, arguing, laughing, loving, enjoying each other for the different views and voices we bring to the table. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to take up a position and defend it strongly; the devil’s advocate is a frequent guest- fence sitters garner no respect. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it? Yes, in that respect Bloodhound Blog is like family to me.

I wrote a snarky little post on ActiveRain about point whoring- leaving insipid comments for the points. I wrote a more thoughtful companion post as well, but the snarky post got some link love from Maureen McCabe and her post sparked more discussion (both Maureen’s post and the snarky post are member’s only). The nature of AR is that members get points for leaving comments on other posts. Okay. Fine. Whatever. While this encourages comments, it doesn’t encourage actually reading a post, and does nothing to encourage thoughtful comments.

I love comments, but I don’t love all comments. I love the give-and-take of conversation that is created in a good comment thread. I love discourse and discussion and yes, even disagreements. I’m not fond of the “Great post, thanks for sharing” comments that are so ubiquitous on ActiveRain, and I’ve since created an abbreviation, GPTFS, that I think point whores and lazy commenters should use. If you use GPTFS, then I’ll know that you are commenting for points or because you want to leave a link, but not because you really give a damn about my post.

Apparently I’m in the minority about this on ActiveRain and the question came up “Would you rather have no comments…?” and my answer is yes. Yes I would rather you didn’t use my time, my blog, my thoughtfulness, as a place to deposit your big signature, your spam, your point whoring… But forget Read more

Project Bloodhound: Write with a reader in mind — but write to that reader’s mind

Dan Green is a great believer in the power of the media to promote a business, where I am quite a bit more skeptical. He asked me once about the commercial value of my column in the Arizona Republic. Quoting former Vice President John Nance Garner on the value of that elective office, I said, “It’s not worth a bucket of warm spit.” Dan loves the mot juste — and I will promise you that, in reality, Garner was more redolent in his retort. But: We just did the math lately and it turns out I’m wrong. The Republic column is worth $1,800 an hour — while I’m writing it.

The essence of good writing — the gist of the mot juste — is to sweep the reader along with you as you go. The corpus of writing is enshrouded in rules, but the rules don’t mean anything if the reader doesn’t care enough to participate. It’s a tragedy to be ignored entirely, but it seems to me still worse to be missed — to be skimmed and scanned and dismissed without ever having been read. I play the way I do, when I write — not as prose, not even as poetry, but as a kind of scat music where the sounds and the meanings of the words play off of each other like kittens and a butterfly on opposite sides of a window — I play this way both to reward attention and to penalize inattention. If you don’t read me with your whole mind, you won’t get it — and that’s the idea.

This is writing about writing, the most perfectly human action there is, and this is the one place you can turn to in the where the minds are serious enough to write about writing. Teri Lussier was talking about our archives, and I wish we had some organization to them. I wish I could send you off just to all of the many posts we have written about writing — some our own work, some extended quotations from giants of English literature.

There’s this, at least, Read more

Project Bloodhound: Writing for the archives: “See that fella over there? He’s 20 years old. In 10 years, he’s got a chance to be a star. Now that fella over there, he’s 20 years old, too. In 10 years he’s got a chance to be 30.”

Here today; gone tomorrow? I have no clue what happened to the original post and the once dead link, but it did make me think about the importance of a blog archive.

One of the first things I noticed about BloodhoundBlog was the tremendous amount of useful information in the archives. It’s very possible that back then I spent more time poking through old stuff then keeping up with the first page, and still today, if I need to jump start my brain with an idea about marketing or I’m looking for an example of how to tackle a complex real estate issue, BHB is the first place I look because of it’s extensive archive.

TheBrickRanch archive is always in the back of my mind when I write for my blog. I want to build a complete real estate-pedia for the Dayton area on TBR, so I try to make the work there vital and useful enough to provide content for the future. I sit down and write with one person in mind, but I want to write for the person I don’t know; the person who will find this a year from now, or two or three years from now. Is the information timeless? I understand that not everything we write can be pertinent to the future, and sometimes I just want to have fun, but when someone uses the search box, please, I hope there is some there, there.

Blogs are an ever evolving medium- organic, fluctuating, there’s an ebb and flow to blogging that lends itself to change. I’ve changed a few things on TBR lately, and some of the posts I wrote last year needed to be updated accordingly. As I’ve grown, both as a blogger, and as a real estate agent, I’ve gone back into my archives and changed posts to make them stronger, added pingbacks from one post to another to make each post more relevant and provide more information. It’s general blog maintenance that encourages a more dynamic and beneficial use of the blog.

I want my posts to converse and link with each other, just like a conversation. When we Read more

How to tell a hawk from a handsaw…

“The shame of speaking unskilfully were small if the tongue onely thereby were disgrac’d: But as the Image of a King in his Seale ill-represented is not so much a blemish to the waxe, or the Signet that seal’d it, as to the Prince it representeth, so disordered speech is not so much injury to the lips that give it forth, as to the disproportion and incoherence of things in themselves, so negligently expressed. Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune, whose words do jarre; nor his reason in frame, whose sentence is preposterous; nor his Elocution clear and perfect, whose utterance breaks itself into fragments and uncertainties. Negligent speech doth not onely discredit the person of the Speaker, but it discrediteth the opinion of his reason and judgement; it discrediteth the force and uniformity of the matter and substance. If it be so then in words, which fly and ’scape censure, and where one good Phrase asks pardon for many incongruities and faults, how then shall he be thought wise whose penning is thin and shallow? How shall you look for wit from him whose leasure and head, assisted with the examination of his eyes, yeeld you no life or sharpnesse in his writing?” –Ben Jonson

Listing real estate the Bloodhound way: Teaching home sellers how to pay attention to marketing techniques, tactics and results

This started out at a response to Jeff Brown in John Rowles’ “dinosaur” post, but it grew to take on a life of its own.

Jeff Brown:

Sellers, at least in my experience, have been excellent at discerning one thing — who produces results.

Oh, would this were so! I can take you through Phoenix, neighborhood by neighborhood, and show you in which neighborhoods the sellers are paying attention and in which they aren’t. We compete very aggressively in the neighborhoods where sellers are wide awake, but there are places we are called upon to go where the neighbors could not care less who sells what for how much in how long a time. It’s just not on their radar — nor is any tactic or technique for optimizing results. We only work with sellers who care, so it makes a huge difference to us.

The brokerage — not agent — we are most likely to lose business to has done an excellent job of promoting its long-standing reputation. For the most part the agents do nothing that we would consider exceptional, and their time on market and LP/SP ratios are horrible right now, but we can only penetrate that marketing veil if the seller is paying first-hand attention.

I had a surprise yesterday. The Arizona Republic column brings me a small number of deals, but they tend to be very interesting. We’re working one now, two listings and a purchase. One of the listings is in Sun City, a Del Webb original, unmolested, on the golf course. We listed it our way last Friday, because that’s what we do. Yesterday I was out there to deal with the sign and almost all of the flyers were gone. When our flyers seem to evaporate, it almost always means that the neighbors are interested — not in the house, but in us as listers. I’ll be interested to see if the sellers out there really are paying attention. The houses don’t sell for huge amounts, but if the sellers are willing to work our way, it might be worthwhile to pioneer a second niche out there.

Our timing Read more

Realty dreams: Moving wisely ever cloud-wise, we approach the day when we can do anything from anywhere without lugging anything

Attend, if you please: OmniFocus for the iPhone. It will not only help you Get Things Done, it will tell you when to do them. No kidding. If one of your tasks is to ship a parcel at the post office, OmniFocus will sound an alarm when you are near one. Approaching the supermarket? Here’s your shopping list.

That much is just the idea of a PDA coupled with a GPS system. Still, it’s cool. But my dream for a hand-held computer is much larger than that.

Consider: I carry my digital still camera and my Flip video camera with me wherever I go. I have LowePro belt-mounted camera cases, so they’re easy to carry, never in the way. I keep those two cameras with my car keys, along with everything else I take with me when I put my car keys in my pocket: My wallet, my business cards, my watch, my phone, my Bluetooth headset and my MLS key. All of these things are small and portable, either pocketable or belt-mounted, so I have almost all of the tools of my trade upon my person when I leave the house. I look like a freakin’ cop — which is not always a bad thing — but I have my stuff with me so that I can work when I need to.

This is what I want for the iPhone — and for later iterations of the idea of a hand-held computer. A laptop or a notebook computer is luggable, not portable. Even the Canon and HP rechargeable printers are luggable, not portable. You might have a laptop and printer in your trunk — absorbing damage from every bump in the road and cooking in the summer heat — but you don’t have that computing power on your person.

My dream is simple: Everything that I might do on a desktop or laptop computer, I want to be able to do from a hand-held computer. I want to be able to carry my entire real estate business with me, every time I leave the house. This implies cloud computing, of course, since I will Read more

Let’s Do Some Survivin’: 5 FREE Things To Do Right Now To Ensure You Can Survive This Here Real Estate Market.

OKAYfine.  H2s aren’t so practical, are they?   And it’s maybe vanity to have an assistant at this point, when you’re down to 20 deals a year.  Maybe it’s stupid to run that display ad in the paper, sharing space with a Realtor or Loan Officer.  But you’re committed, right?  The give and take of this grind is in your blood, and you’re gonna survive this..resurgence of the 1970’s.  

So let’s figure out how:

  1. Ruthlessly Control Your Personal Spending. Thanks to the IRS, I’ve been a low-spending guy anyway. But there was still fat in my budget.  Mint.Com quickly pointed out what I actually spent money on.   And there was tons of room to save.   About $700 bucks a month without much lifestyle change.  Each $100 you can save a month is $150 you don’t have to earn. The lower your nut is, the better equipped you’re gonna be.  Having a low cash need = low stress.
  2. Control Your Environment.  De clutter the hell out of everything.  That stack of “broker/agent” magazines?  Pitch.  Everything in your workspace is something that you have to think about and something that siphons mental energy.  Spend 40 minutes pitching damn near everything till you’re down to your computer, family pictures, a pen and paper, and maybe a cup for coffee or water.  Make your workspace look like an Apple commercial, and see what the you get done.
  3. Lead Generation = 35% of your time, minimum. Yeah, deals take longer and are more fragile then ever.  I get it.  But would you sleep better at night with six more fragile deals?   Surely SOME of your deals would close if you had more going.  And, when you learn how to ensure fragile deals are gonna close, well, when the market hits the other end of the cycle, you will be crushing your new competition.   C’mon.  Instead of calling your lender and asking for a status update every three minutes (even though they should be calling you), Read more’s Top Management Address Active Rain Member Concerns

Jonathan Washburn and Bob Stewart were my guests on a 45 minute interview about the new

1- Bob Stewart gave us an overview of the new Localism site and described its stated purpose.

2- Jon Washburn explained the history of the Localism portal and how polling the Active Rain community led to the decision to repurpose the portal as a hyper-local community interest site.

3- Opportunities for community evangelism were discussed along with practical ideas about how existing Active Rain members might benefit.

4- The sponsored community issue as well as “Top Neighbors” placement were explained.

5- Jon Washburn explained basic SEO strategy.

6- Bob Stewart discussed how the SEO strategy will be coupled with search engine marketing to draw consumers to the site.

7- Jon Washburn answered the BIG question; “Will he sell Localism or Active Rain ?”

The interview is about 45 minutes long and is perfect to download to your iPod, for your evening workout.

Download/Listen to the interview here It’s Not Just For Surfers

I remember when released its portal.  SoCal surfin’ REALTOR dude, Rory Siems commented that he thought “Localism” was a term surfers used for defending their beach from “kooks“.  While Localism is not a surfing site, the principle of “protecting your turf” is alive and well for local real estate professionals.

Bloodhound colleague Michele DeRepegny vented her frustrations with the new site:

But this morning I’m feeling a little nauseous after the much anticipated revamp of Localism, The redesign is neutral and simple, with a few twists in navigation still needed.   I would have rather paid for an “outside blog” than purchased “communities“.  Maybe buying the way to the top as a community sponsor will actually reduce some of the crud posting just for points, but right now I’m having very mixed feelings about continuing to drink the Kool Aid.  Maybe I just need sleep.

I was privy to a pre-release tour so I know why they whitewashed the design.  The concept is that Localism isn’t just about real estate anymore.  It’s designed as a national host for thousands of hyper-local communities.  Membership is free and available to anybody in the community, including non-real estate related businesses.  The white washing was done to draw the readers to the user-generated content rather than an appealing design.  Community sponsorship is available to any business and quality content providers are rewarded with featured status on the pages.

Navigation is cumbersome but the site is in its infancy.  The designers are trying to create a sense of “stickiness” where the users are drawn to deep local content, be it pictures, video, or text.  They have some glitches but they should work it out.

The main feature of the site is that content will be edited for quality.  Active Rain hired editors to determine what user-generated content will be quality and what should be buried in the bowels of the server.  The intended result?  A sticky site about “your town”, for “your neighbors”, sponsored by “your Rotarians (local businesses).

Greg Swann feels it might be a SEO play:

What does it portend for you? For one thing, dumbstunt SEO plays like Localism are doomed. Read more

Content is king: The future of internet search is heuristic

I worked this out in email this afternoon. It’s stone obvious, once you think about it, so I think it might be on the horizon now — if it’s not already happening.

What the hell are you talking about, Greg?

I think the next level of search engine algorithms is going to be based in an heuristic observation of end-user behavior to correlate keyword relevance to actual relevance.

Do you see? Google and other search engines identify patterns of keywords in static HTML documents to try to identify keyword-relevant content. They do this because it’s cheap. Before that, they used gunk like meta tags because that was even cheaper — because that had too little hardware and software and too many documents to index.

The hardware and software problems are gone, plus Google has a huge and growing database of user behavior that is has harvested from the many bits of Google software people load on their systems. Moreover, Google has learned to draw sophisticated inferences from user behavior.

So consider two web pages. One is very strong on relevant keywords, but weak on useful content. The other is not as strong on keywords, but it delivers an ocean of very useful data. When users click into the first page, they tend to click out right away — high bounce rate, short time on site, few pageviews per visit. Users of the other site stay for hours and read everything twice — low bounce rate, long time on site, many pageviews per visit.

Assuming Google or another search engine can measure all of this end-user behavior, which site is actually more relevant to real people?

This is so obvious that it has to happen. If Google doesn’t do it, its successor as the number one search engine will.

What does it portend for you? For one thing, dumbstunt SEO plays like Localism are doomed. But more importantly: Now and forever, content is king. A highly-passionate, well-written, deeply-informative weblog is going to kick the ass of any site trying to get by on money and high-gloss lipstick.

If you deliver the goods, the search engines are going to find a way Read more

Attention Realtor association wannabe geeks: All monopolies suck by definition, so you must open up our forms to multiple vendors

I wrote a couple of times yesterday about using the iPhone as the laptop killer for real estate transactions. If my guesses about cloud computing play out, the iPhone and subsequent hand-held computers have the potential to replace our desktop machines as well — or at least give us every bit of the power we expect from a desktop machine no matter where we happen to be. This is all for real, a brand new world unfolding before our eyes.

What is not new, alas, are the monopolies of morons imposed upon us by the National Association of Realtors and all of its many tentacular sub-cartels. Where everything in business is about to change radically — in response to the iPhone, to Web 3.0, to the unforeseeable efficiencies of the cloud — everything in our business will change at its usual glacial pace — driven not by the pursuit of profit, not by the thrill of innovation, not by the ever-more-vast oceans of information available to us — driven only by the need of the NAR and its cabal of sleazy vendors to hold Realtors hostage.

In late May I bitched about the vast hordes of bugs that infest Zipforms, but I knew going in that this was a Sysiphean effort. The people who impose these awful products on us are not the ones stuck using them. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if there are off-budget contributions — subsidies for Realtor association parties, for example — written into the contracts, which simply introduces bribery into what is already a capricious decision-making process. Caprice, it is worthwhile to stress, is the opposite of reason.

Tom Farley, the new CEO of the Arizona Association of Realtors actually called me in response to that post, but I could not manage to convey to him the importance of multiple, competing vendors to a free — or even quasi-free — market. What he told me is that, instead of Zipforms, in the future we will be inflicted with a different hopelessly buggy Windows-only piece of crap software. I know the man was in deep earnest, and I know Read more

Project Bloodhound – a question from one of the pups….

Okay, I need some collective wisdom.   Here’s my dilemma, I’ve been operating on blogger for quite some time and I thought it was doing me well, but I’ve learned I can do better.   So, I’ve got things set up at with and it’s 90% of the way I want it (I can get it there in a day or two).

My question is essentially this:   When you are ready to make the switch from one platform and domain name to another, what’s the best way to do that so that people can still find you etc?

Thanks in advance for the wisdom, you guys (all of you) are awesome!
