Since I already sent an update out earlier in the week outlining what the Fed did and how it can/will impact the economy and the mortgage markets, I’m going to focus on a couple of other topics this time.
First I’m going to talk about the four most important things to know about mortgage rates. Then, in the lower section, we’ll take a look at a good strategy to consider when thinking about when to lock in an interest rate.
The four most important things to know about mortgage rates:
What influences them – contrary to popular opinion, mortgage rates are not tied to the 10 year Treasuries any more. For years they used to be and that made predicting short term market movements easy. Now they don’t and it’s much harder. So what does impact them? A couple of quick thoughts about that: 1) Market sentiment – is the market feeling good about things or bad? 2) Political manipulation – does the market feel that Washington is trying to run over Wall Street or is it the other way around? 3) Expectations vs. reality – it’s not so much that the news is bad as it is a question of whether it’s worse or better than it was expected. 4.) Inflation/Deflation and the value of the dollar. 5) Investor appetite for mortgage backed securities (aka how good are loans performing?
Why mortgage rates won’t go down to 4%. According to what I heard and saw, there were experts on places like the Today Show and Good Morning America who were proclaiming that mortgage rates were going to go down to 4.0%, probably by Monday. There are a couple of reasons why that won’t happen: 1) The Law of Supply and Demand – the government is literally flooding the market with additional debt. If there is more debt “chasing”fewer investors, that’s going to push rates upward. 2) The Value of the Dollar – the dollar has taken a beating in the last few days and as the dollar gets cheaper compared to other currencies, interest rates have to go up. 3) Falling House Prices Read more