I love the scene from the “Princess Bride” where they undergo a battle of wits. Very funny scene, and way too reminiscent of popular conversations regarding the housing market in general and the San Diego housing market specifically.
So, How’s the Housing Market Doing in San Diego?
There’s no shortage of data or opinions, of course. Here a just a couple of places and opinions I found interesting and potentially useful. First, Here’s DataQuick’s (OMG lengthy) view of the San Diego data. Quite a bit of stuff in here, all of which seem to indicate that the San Diego market might be recovering slightly. But right on the heels of the DataQuick report is an article from MSNBC, a report that has a rather dim view of San Diego’s recovery.
So, with my own opinions of the San Diego market in my head I reviewed a couple of local real estate experts to see what they thought. First a take on one of the neighborhoods in San Diego by Kris Berg. Her numbers are easier for me to read than DataQuicks, and no one likes to be called a sick real estate market by anyone. And here’s our good friend Jeff Brown with his take on analyzing real estate data. Jeff is speaking to the choir in me when he talks about analyzing. He is asking if the data and the way it is analyzed is as important at the analyst doing the organizing.
My Take on San Diego Real Estate
My opinion comes after this concerto, aptly named “Cacophony”, but sweet music to my ears, and which I’ll explain below. Listen to this now.
Pretty cool stuff, huh? A cacophony of sounds, but your head and your heart allow you to analyze and put these sounds together so that they not only make sense, but are appealing and fun to spend time with.
Which Brings Me to My Opinion on the San Diego Real Estate
- When you want to know if there’s gas in the coal mine….you send down a bird.
- If you see smoke, you know’s there’s fire….but how hot is that fire?
- If it walks, quacks and…you know….it’s a Read more