August 14, 2019 is a sad day for me because I realize that I ruined my family’s future. Oh, how I wish I would have kept my mouth shut !
My daughter, a brilliant and accomplished student was rejected by all the Ivy League colleges despite her stellar work in high school. Each rejection letter said the same thing; ideologically undesirable. Fortunately, she was accepted at my Alma Mater but her inability to access student loans (she was branded as “ideologically undesirable”) left her with no money for college.
She’ll have an opportunity to attend a State-sponsored college if she successfully completes her mandatory service in Organizing for America. She’s going to have to keep her mouth shut and tow the line, though. She is atoning for her 9th grade paper entitled “God Will Provide: Why We Shouldn’t Fret About Climate Change“. Her teacher reported her to the Government website and that, combined with my record of dissent, determined her future. We almost lost her to the Child Education Services Agency with that little transgression.
President Robert Menendez signed the Good Children Can’t Be Left Behind Act of 2017. That Law taxed the money I’d saved in her 529 plan, at 75%, to support the education of disadvantaged youth and I protested on Twitter. I suppose my protest was misguided in retrospect.
President Menendez was elected by a sweeping margin when he ran against former Senator Mel Martinez in the first ever race-neutral Presidential election. Former President Obama signed the Neutrality in Elections Act of 2013 and it was agreed that Presidential elections would be held with a specific race/ethnicity as the qualifying factor, every eight years, so as to offer opportunity to all Americans. We The G.O.P originally nominated George P. Bush but his ambiguous ethnicity disqualified him for this particular election; he’ll have his chance in 16 years.
I called that reverse discrimination on Facebook. A so-called “friend” reported that status update to the Government website and I was heavily fined for that comment six months later.
I mentioned that I was short on cash. Fed Chairman Summers capped real estate and mortgage brokerage fees at $500/file under the Consumer Financial Protection Act. I had Read more