I’m pleased that we received a hearty endorsement from Benn Rosales, at Agent Genius, for the BloodhoundBlog Unchained Social Media Marketing Conference, brought to you by Zillow. I’m pleased but I’m not surprised. I’m not surprised because I’ve gotten to know Benn these past six months. He’s a marketer and a fine one at that.
Some bloggers doubt the utility of the content we’re discussing; I completely understand that doubt. While UNCHAINED will talk a lot about the power of the web log, it is not JUST a bloggers’ conference. UNCHAINED is a marketing conference; a social media marketing conference. Not all bloggers are marketers; they are accidental beneficiaries of the explosion of the Web 2.0 evolution.
Web 2.0 is not “new”. Social Media Marketing started about 10-15 years ago. Interactive marketing is about engaging the consumer, using the far reach of the internet.
I remember starting a Yahoo Chat room, called “Phoenix Real Estate”, in the late 90’s. It was a destination spot I hosted for consumers and professionals to share information, each night, from 9PM-10PM; I often sat alone in that “chat room”. Some nights, a real estate agent or consumer would show up to ask questions; those were the best nights. I found that Sunday nights became the best time for consumers to interact with me and limited the chat room to a scheduled weekly event.
Hosted forums were another great way to engage consumers before LinkedIn broke onto the scene. When LinkedIn hit the net, it gave us a chance to engage the consumer on our terms. Rather than wait for an anonymous person to hit a forum or chat room, we were able to use demographic data to target certain “prospective customers”. If you’re a long-term player in this industry, LinkedIn represents a great chance to engage people in an interactive community.
Myspace offered a completely new paradigm to SMM. Here, users post personal profiles, robust with demographic data, to be “searched”. Through groups and “friend lists” a site-specific address book can be created Read more