Brian and I came together over a shared love for Guerrilla Marketing – not the books, which are excellent, but the underlying strategic praxis: Achieving maximum marketing impact for the minimum spend.
I specifically mentioned the USPS’s Every Door Direct Mail program: Hit every mailbox in a particular carrier route with a mail piece as big as 8-1/2 x 11” for around twenty cents a door. You won’t get the investors – title can get their addresses for you – but you will get every resident.
There is a lot you can do with this: For example, you could leave once side blank and use that to laser print your monthly newsletter to your farm. My pitch is more prosaic: If I list your house, I will manage the rehab to maximum financial benefit. I already do that, of course, but some folks can’t taste the steak until they hear the sizzle.
I can buy the cards I want for around fifteen cents each, and I will do my own copy and design, so my pilot project is to hit around 500 doors a month for twelve months for a total spend of around $2,000. One conversion is worth around $10,000, and two a month is about as hard as I want to work, for now. If it pulls, it can scale until it’s pulling us where we want to go. And if not: Cheap to try something different.
Zillow may have dinosaur-robot egg on its face right now, but it won’t stop coming between you and your clients. To get around the Realty.bots, approach the marketplace in ways they can’t match.
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