There’s always something to howl about.

Links for a very busy Saturday . . .

I’m selling at least two houses this weekend, so I’m catch as catch can. I want to write a very involved Realty Reality story, too, so my Saturday is much enriched. Here are some other riches:

Realty Thoughts ponders the differences between the Inman shows and NARdiGRAS. Here’s one that pops out at me: So far, almost no news has broken at NARdiGRAS.

Both The Real Estate Bloggers and Real Central VA draw attention to The Real Estate Journal’s expose on agent bonuses:

The best defense for buyers may be to insist that agents disclose the compensation being offered on any property under serious consideration. That way, consumers could negotiate ways to share anything that goes beyond a normal pay day for the agent — or at least take the incentives into account in assessing the agent’s advice. But few consumers raise such questions. Daniel Ruben Odio-Paez, a broker in the Washington, D.C., area who operates a real-estate search site,, says he believes “most buyers have no clue how their agent is being compensated.”

“‘Ethically, if you are representing the buyer and taking the buyer to a place where you are getting an increased commission, the right thing to do is tell them,’ says Danny O’Sullivan, a senior vice president with Long & Foster Real Estate Inc. in Fairfax, Va.” Ya think? In September, I wrote on Arizona’s laws regarding agent bonuses.

Jim Duncan at Real Central VA is in love with the improvements to GoogleBase announced at NARdiGRAS. I’ll withhold judgement. Even so, its seems inevitable that we are to be XMLated by The Borg. This bodes ill for smaller players, I should think.

Marlow Harris at 360Digest is trading maps for money in a very astute analysis. How hi is Seattle’s tech?: I don’t know of a single map interface at a Phoenix brokerage.

Joel Burslem at The Future of Real Estate Marketing doesn’t like Cyberhomes. Who can blame him?

Finally, The Real Estate Tomato is spreading the spaghetti sauce: Jim Cronin has started, a turn-key real estate weblog vendor. Pre-launch blogs: The Realty Doctor, The Silver Bee and Sacramento Real Estate Voice. All WordPress, and it looks like the Tomato might be hosting them. I’m not the product endorsing type, but I have a great admiration for what Jim has done with The Real Estate Tomato. If you’re an agent or other real estate professional looking for a weblogging solution, looks like a good place to start.

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