The soul of wit, Seth Godin cites The Long Tail
today. We’ve mentioned this book a time or two, and, of course, it’s featured (along with Seth’s latest)
in our reading list. I have plans to say more about it, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. Suffice it to say, this is a book that everyone in sales and marketing should read, mark, learn and inwardly digest — and then put into practice.
Extra credit: Write to me or post a comment on how The Long Tail applies to real estate marketing.
Technorati Tags: phoenix real estate, real estate marketing
Jim Duncan says:
I just received this from Amazon this afternoon – I can’t wait to read it. If all (or even some) of the pre-release buzz is to believed, this should be an excellent book.
July 18, 2006 — 12:58 pm
Greg Swann says:
I should write a review of it. It is as good as its hype, but Anderson fleshes out without substantially improving upon the original essay. Like a lot of business books, it reiteratively remasticates its redundancies with a rhythmic repetition. “Tell ’em what you’re gonna tell ’em,” the writing teachers confide, “then tell ’em, then tell ’em what you told ’em.”
As a counter-argument, I offer the Swan of Avon, with whom this post began: “When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” He tells us once, but we hear him thrice: First, the news of Ophelia, second, a profound and poetic observation about the course of life, and third, a foreshadowing of the climax of the play, the conquest of Denmark by Fortinbras of Norway.
To all this, Anderson might well answer that Shakespeare is the ever-living embodiment of The Long Tail!
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on using The Long Tail in your real estate marketing.
July 18, 2006 — 1:22 pm
jf.sellsius says:
I became interested in the long tail after seeing it mentioned so often. So I went back to the original sources and came up with a question whose answer still eludes me: in a given market, how much does the long tail weigh?
July 20, 2006 — 6:15 am