I’ve been tormenting Teri Lussier with Leonard Cohen. We can plumb for a new pain threshold with a selection of classics from Tom Waits. I don’t love everything about the sentiments behind this music, but I will always give it my highest score for having ambition, for daring to be something different from all the other crap that flows through your ears without ever penetrating your mind. The art that matters most to me is about splendor, where much of Waits is about squalor — but at least it’s about something. Give it your attention and see if it is repaid.
Yar says:
I grew up to Waits. Simple with a lot of substance. Thanks for bringing back memories!
July 19, 2009 — 12:47 am
Teri L says:
“Time” is lovely. Like a lullaby for busted up adults.
July 19, 2009 — 10:03 am