There’s always something to howl about.

Apple iPhone round-up . . .

This is nothing like everything, just a summary of news — and comic relief — of interest to the real estate community.

Dave Winer, among others, objects to the idea of the iPhone being a closed box. Okayfine. But it’s important for end-users to understand that the iPhone will run any server-side application that can run on the Safari web browser. Smart-phone apps are notoriously lame because of the memory restrictions of the device. We’re already using lots of server-based applications — our MLS system, plus all of the Realty.bots — and the immediate challenge is to get mission-critical web vendors to support Safari.

David Pogue at The New York Times weighs in with The Ultimate iPhone FAQ.

The Phoenix Real Estate Guy has a link to a fawning video from CBS News. has heard the iPhone calling.

iFun: The Late Late Show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Saturday Night Live.

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