An old friend, very smart, very good with numbers, has landed in Madison, Wisconsin. He’s sitting on way too much cash, and he realizes he needs to capitalize that dough before it gets inflated away to nothing.
That much is a silver platter. Deep pockets and unlimited future earning power, a client to die for. But: He’s an attorney, non-practicing, and an MBA, also non-practicing. He can handle the truth, no matter how ugly, but you will never slide even the smallest lie past him. You need to know what you’re talking about, and you need to be able to back up what you say.
He’s living in Middleton Hills, but he’s interested in investment opportunities anywhere in the Greater Madison area. He’s never been a landlord, so he’ll need education in that regard — and it’s plausible to me that he’s a better candidate for commercial properties than for rental housing. That’s something you’ll have to work out.
What I’m looking for, in exchange for a no-fee referral, is an agent who works like a Bloodhound. If you’re willing to work hard for a serious, motivated, monied investor, give me a howl. I’ll put you and my friend in touch.