There’s always something to howl about.

Trevor Responds and shows he is a nice guy

Anonymous Coward… Thank you for at least acknowledging that you are one. I have never seen the experience you are referring to take place here at JLSPCR. (I guess I am not even really clear what you are saying, in the first place though.)

Russell Shaw – 1.)Your point about making the MLS public is a great one. I will contemplate that, and rethink my philosophy.2.)I just plain think your wrong about Redfin, and I can’t imagine that we will be coming to a meeting of the minds anytime soon. My thought is this though… I don’t think Paul Allen’s Venture Capitalist Company, Vulcan Capital, would be investing in a company that is criminal or that will be shutting their doors anytime soon. I am taking a risk by applying Redfin… the same kind of risk as people who applied at Google did in 1998.

3.) Thank you for your objectivity regarding discount brokers. I think you are right about Help-U-Sell

Phil –
The reason my business model struggles in a traditional brokerage is because many traditional brokers are ripping agents off, becoming rich of their agents backs. The whole real estate industry needs a shake up, starting with the brokers. You can read my thoughts on this here:

Phew… I think I answered most of the challenges. I think I want to take a break from blogging for a while and eat Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1. I totally agree with Trevor with regard to his comments to Anonymous Coward – I always have far more respect for opinions when they are connected to a real name.

2. I HAVE to point out that although I fully understand Trevor’s view’s regarding Paul Allen (because I once thought exactly the same way – if it was backed by Paul Allen I didn’t need to worry) the facts are that Mr. Allen has a track record of wasting HUGE amounts of money by investing in companies that wind up closing their doors once he stops feeding them. His post-Microsoft successes have all come from companies that were already quite prosperous and also had existing competent management teams, as well.

Redfin will not be successful long term and will wind up filing bankruptcy once the investment bankers stop the funding. They may cause some additional disruption of the local real estate markets in a the few cities they are already in – but they will go nowhere fast and can be safely ignored.

3. The reasons I made the comments I did about Help U Sell were: they are NOT “going broke”, they do continue to expand the number of offices and the number of cities they do business in and I expect to see them around (in their present form) for as long as there is a real estate brokerage business. They were owned at the start by a New England life insurance company and – to their credit – I have never seen any false or misleading advertising, either from their offices to the public or from the parent company attempting to sell franchises. This is not to say I consider them a “threat”, because I don’t – not anymore or less than all of the other companies and agents in town. They have a viable business model. I felt it was important to point out that it isn’t “discounters” that I am opposed to – but intentional thieves.

4. I also totally agree with Trevor on his very last point: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We live in the greatest country in the world and by virtue of where we were born (or at least where we live) we have more opportunities than most citizens of this planet can even dream of. I am very grateful for what I have and hope that each and everyone of you enjoy a wonderful holiday season.
