There’s always something to howl about.

I’ll show you my electoral-college map if you’ll show me yours…

I made this map last week, and I might change it a little if I were redoing it tonight. I’m not for McCain (although I am decidedly against Obama), but here I am simply illustrating in red those states I would be very surprised to see McCain lose tomorrow. If I were to redo the map tonight, I might throw Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin to McCain, along with New Hampshire and half of Maine. Anyway, here is my thinking as of last week:

I could be wildly, wildly wrong, and you’re free to express the belief that I am — without flames, please — provided you’re willing to eat crow should it turn out, in the end, that I am wildly, wildly right. Bear in mind that all I had to do was keep this map secret to avoid the possibility of eating crow myself.

But: You can play this game, too. If you go to, you can create your own electoral-college map so you can show the rest of us how you think the election is going to play out. Email your map to yourself and then paste the link to your map in a comment to this post.

Why, you may ask, am I representing such a strong win for McCain when you have been told for weeks and months that Obama will win in a landslide? It’s because I don’t believe what I’ve been told. It may turn out that everything you’re hearing is true. For now, at least, I’m inclined to think otherwise.

If you’re interested, here is a stunning contrarian analysis of this election from Sean Malstrom:

The Undecideds *have* decided: they have decided not to declare their choice to pollsters.

The polls are way, way off this election cycle. Pollsters have admitted that this election has the highest ‘refusal to respond’ number. The ‘undecideds’ are people who don’t want to declare their choice. Why would they do that? If you belong to a Union, and they tell you to vote for Obama or ‘else’, you will not answer a pollster for it could be a union boss checking up on its members. PUMAs have declared their intention to lie to pollsters and they are organized. And there are many people who don’t want to declare ‘McCain’ because of being perceived as a ‘racist’.

Look, days away from the election and there are like 11% undecideds? No! This is not normal. The Bradley Effect is occurring with the undecideds. I suspect there is oversampling from the urban population as well. Another big factor is the pollsters putting in the additional Democrat registrations as if these are new voters. The boost in Democrat registrations came from many ‘registration drives’ where people are paid to meet a quota (where you get names like Mickey Mouse on the ballots or the Dallas Cowboys) as well as Republicans who switched to the Democrat Party to tamper with the Democrat Primary. I suspect the boost in Democrat registrations was intentional early on to throw off the pollsters so their calculations can only factor in a much larger than Democrat turnout than normal as part of their ‘inevitable strategy’ psy-op campaign.

Projections are only as good as their inputs. With the high rate of people refusing to be polled (as admitted by pollsters), the high rate of people not willing to declare who they want to vote for (the undecideds), and the huge wave of junk Democrat registrations, you’re going to see the polls be way, way off.

That’s just a tiny slice of a very long article. Read the whole thing — if you can stomach challenges to received wisdom.

As above, I don’t have a dog in this race. I want for Obama to lose, not alone because, as bad as McCain will be for our economy, Obama will be much worse. But nothing good will happen in the United States until somebody turns off the spigot at the Fed — and only then will we get around to actually paying for this two-decade orgy of fiat money. But come what does, history will be made tomorrow. It were well to pay attention.