There’s always something to howl about.

Once more unto the breach for Vlad — and for your right to free speech

The good news is that Vlad Zablotskyy is nearing the end of his legal battles with As you will recall, ePerks sued Vlad to try to compel him to squelch criticism of the lead vendor.

That bad news is that Vlad has had to take a night job to help defray his mounting legal expenses. The Vlad Zablotskyy Legal Defense Fund has raised a significant amount of money, but as anyone who has ever gotten trapped in the court system knows, there is never enough money to cover legal fees.

What can you do to help? Push the “Donate” button you see below or in our sidebar. If you want to add a button to your own weblog or web site, you can find the HTML code here. But the most significant difference you can make in Vlad’s life, right now, is to make as big a donation as you can afford.

Vlad is stuck in this quagmire a little longer, but it’s worth noting that no one else has been threatened, neither by ePerks nor by any other vendors. By participating in this Legal Defense Fund, we have made it plain that we will defend our right to speak freely — to speak truth to power. I count that a victory for the good guys. How about you?

Click on the “Donate” button and let’s put “paid” to this kind of intimidation against real estate webloggers.

Support Vlad Zablotskyy’s Defense Fund
Defend your own right to free speech!

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