Every now and then, I get one of those moments that puts life in a different perspective.   You know, the times when you look at all of the “stuff” that you deal with every day and realize that it’s not nearly as important as you’d like to think it is?

I had one of those tonight.  I got an e-mail from a close personal friend of mine who is an orphanage director in Haiti at the orphanage that two of my kids came from and she shared some very troubling news about what they are dealing with there.

I wrote about it in more detail at Straight Talk About Mortgages and shared it with Greg and he encouraged me to write a brief post and put a link to more details.   I’d really appreciate it if you would take a few minutes, click here and read more about what’s happening and how we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people who are significantly less fortunate than we are, even if we are in a lousy market.

Thank you in advance,
