From Google Blogoscoped, Google has pulled the plug entirely on the Belgian newspaper that is suing it for theft of content. Whatever the merits of the case, acting out of caprice or spite while a judge’s gavel is poised over your head is dumb. This could be the tech’s Maginot Line, where Web 2.0 meets Government 0.99…
Technorati Tags: blogging, disintermediation
Kevin says:
I’m kind of surprised NAR didn’t beat this Belgian newspaper to the court room. Given the paranoia about losing control of real estate data, I can just imagine NAR filing suit against Google, Trulia, et. al to get them to “cease and desist” displaying any data about real estate listings. NAR wins, Google & Trulia comply, and !poof! real estate disappears off the Internet. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if NAR would find that outcome desirable.
September 19, 2006 — 2:56 pm