There’s always something to howl about.

Bed-time real estate blog-bytes: “A hammer’s a great tool until you have to paint a wall, right?”

Rey Estate: Make things simple!

In The Trenches: There’s gold in them thar data!

The Property Monger: Scuse me while I Zillow the sky…

Hamptons Real Estate Blog: Home prices are stable, but the Zestimates are surging.

Rubbing elbows with Nubricks gets Real Central VA, The Real Estate Tomato and BloodhoundBlog in The London Times Online. And you thought my English was hard to read!

Sellsius° counters: Write it so they can read it…

True Gotham: Give buyers real control.

True Gotham again (blogrolled): “It’s a mistake to set up any system that denies there is expertise in real estate.”

The has been itchingly acrawl with creepy stories about creative mortgages and imminent doom. I have no idea how many of those loans have already been refinanced, but, whether or not they have, there are a hell of a lot more happy mortgage stories than sad ones. Behind the Curtain (blogrolled for sheer effrontery) on negative-amortization loans: “A hammer’s a great tool until you have to paint a wall, right?”

Ardell says buyers and agents need to feel each other out before committing to each other. I don’t hate this idea, provided that buyers remember to nail down the terms of their representation before they run out and fall in love with a house.

Bubbleboys: This is what you’re looking for: The Lord of the Bubbleflies: Lean-looked prophet whispers fearful change, cultivating the worst impulses in otherwise decent people…

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