There’s always something to howl about.

A Canadian magazine publisher instructs Loudoun County Tax Assessor Todd Kaufman — and all of us — on the American tradition of Freedom of the Press

As you may know, the Canadian Human Rights Commission accidentally read George Orwell’s 1984 backwards. In consequence, it has set itself the task of persecuting Canadian publishers for the crime of having published. Most notably, international gadfly Mark Steyn — along with Macleans magazine — has a date with the Star Chamber.

Ezra Levant, while serving as publisher of the Western Standard in Alberta, published the now-infamous Mohammed cartoons in his magazine. Two fundamentalist Islamists brought a complaint to the Human Right Commission, arguing that Levant’s act of publication was essentially a “hate crime.”

In these videos, you will see portions of Levant’s arguments before the Human Rights Commission — a stirring and passionate defense of the principles undergirding the idea of a free press.

Hannah Arendt taught us all about the banality of evil, and the seeming lack of affect in the functionary who presumes to judge the content of Levant’s character is chilling. But Loudoun County Tax Assessor Todd Kaufman is an exponent of the same sort of banal evil: In preference to disputing words with words, Todd Kaufman chose to try to force Danilo Bogdanovic to retract what he had published by threatening his livelihood.

If you truly don’t understand the principles involved, it were well for you to correct that deficiency before you find yourself in Mr. Levant’s place. He at least has the consolation of knowing why he is in the right.

Much, much more at

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