There’s always something to howl about.

The Todd Kaufman Problem Is Your Problem, Too

I’ve been saying this ever since I started marketing on social networks:


Just look at this mess! Now, egos are involved so we’re now at a point of mutually assured destruction.

The digital divide. I’m talking about the importance of bridging the digital divide, next week. This debacle is yet another example of how dangerously potent misinterpreted information, transmitted on the internet, can be. The simple act of pressing ten digits can initiate a REAL connection. Try it with a commenter and you’ll be surprised with the result; you’ll make a friend for life.

Let me tell you my story:

I started writing here, last Christmas. I was having dinner, right before New Year’s, and checked my e-mail on my new, bad-ass cell phone…incoming Bawld-Mail; it was Jeff Brown. Rather than Twitter, e-mail, or comment on a blog post, I called him. That call was worth about 40 grand.

I’ve moderated a group on MySpace, for Realtors, since 2005. Before Active Rain came along, it was letting me peek at 4-5 loan opportunities a month. Active Rain? More profitable than the Jeff call. Christine Forgione chuckled about my yellow postcard but she knows who I am.

Ten digits. Ask Laurie Manny what happened when she put MLS search buttons on her blog. The phone numbers came streaming in…begging for help. No tweets- ten digits. Ask Rhonda Porter what happened when she closed comments on her weekly mortgage rate posts. The calls started coming in.

Unfair? Opaque to the consumer? Are we trolling to trick people into becoming leads when we insist on taking the conversation off-line? I don’t think so.

The phone call separates the wheat from the chaff, the signal from the noise, the serious from the frivolous. When attacked, on my home weblog, I offered a three-way call, to explain my math. The drive-by commenter scurried away, too important to deal with the likes of me. His attitude was that he wanted to win a blog comment war, not educate nor be educated.

Do you want to be even MORE powerful in your on-line marketing efforts? Try to set up a meeting, like investment guru Ralph Weeks. Ralph’s a former rocket scientist turned money manager, clearly rooted in the power of technology. Ralph, with all of his technological know-how, had the good sense to call me and ask for a meeting. Seth Godin might talk about being remarkable but Jeff Brown and Ralph Weeks ARE remarkable. I know; I’ve lunched with both of them!

Marketing is about buying brain cells. It’s about nurturing relationships. As much as we talk about the efficacy of pull marketing, it’s the gentle nudge that increases that efficacy, cements the relationship, and clarifies the message.

We can’t hide behind the computers anymore.  The long tail’s getting crowded with all the newcomers hanging on it. Dialing the ten digits ain’t a hard sell

…it’s making a friend and building your OWN community.