There’s always something to howl about.

The Odysseus Medal competition — Voting for the People’s Choice Award is open

Only seven entries on the short list this week, but the long list was barely 25 posts. Vote for the People’s Choice Award here. You can use the voting interface to see each nominated post, so comparison is easy.

Ahem: Please don’t spam all your friends to come and vote for you. First, what we’re interested in is what is popular among people who would have been voting anyway. And second, I’ll eliminate you for cheating. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Voting runs through to 12 Noon MST Monday. I’ll announce the winners of this week’s awards soon thereafter.

Here is this week’s short-list of Odysseus Medal nominees:

< ?PHP $AltEntries = array ( "Jillayne Schlicke -- Mortgage fraud Recent Mortgage Fraud Developments and Future Outlook”,
“Tom Royce — Property taxes
Making the Seniors Work To Pay Off Property Taxes – Your Bloodsucking Government in Action“,
“Dustin Luther — Year in review A trip down the memory super-highway…“,
“Kris Berg — Happy holidays Happy Holidays!“,
“Todd Carpenter — Zillow mortgage Zillow Mortgage Prediction“,
“Dan Melson — Short sale Getting Another Mortgage Loan After A Short Sale“,
“Jeff Brown — Expert results Do Others Think Of You As An Expert? You Must Be Getting Results

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    $radioGroup .= “$pieces[0], “;
    $radioGroup .= “$pieces[1]”;

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    Deadline for next week’s competition is Sunday at 12 Noon MST. You can nominate your own weblog entry or any post you admire here.

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