“Go ahead. ‘Socialize’ my dinner. See what happens.”
So: All birds and all mammals are warm-blooded, and all warm-blooded creatures thrive by storgic love – the enduring love of families. How family is defined is dependent on the critter, but – ontos being telos being ontos – family is who you share body-heat with.
There’s more: The socialization of body-heat begat pair-bonding in birds – scaling their chances of survival – and lactation in mammals – scaling their storgic love to a state of frenzied worship.
But: Storgic love doesn’t scale: You can’t share your body-heat – or any genuine compassion – with distant strangers. Family is right here – or it’s nowhere.
That’s leadership’s challenge: Every social machine is a family – almost always a dysfunctional family because storgic love doesn’t scale. When the big-boss tells you, “We like to think of ourselves as a family” – you know he’s full of shit. And yet social machines that work do so because everyone believes – typically without direct evidence – that the big-boss loves them.
Accordingly: Ds is the best leadership strategy – period. Best for fathers leading their families, best for entrepreneurs leading their staff, best for political or religious or social leaders of any sort.
Leadership is love. We are in the mess we are in because Ci is a terrible leadership strategy, but we won’t be out of it until Ds takes back control of everything.
In other news:
City Journal: Washington State’s Tax Revolt: Local municipalities balk at a new state levy they fear will hurt their economy.
Brendan O’Neill: This is worse than Saigon: America’s humiliation in Afghanistan confirms that the woke West is utterly incapable of standing up for itself.
FrontPage Mag: Fleeing Afghanistan: The worst possible message to our enemies across the world.