Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference commences today. Steve Jobs’ keynote speech will feature announcements for a rash of products that Mac users will find under their Christmas trees and Windows users will get in buggy, stripped-down, Yugo-like versions three years from now. This is off-topic (and mean, albeit true), but since Apple drives so much innovation in computing technology, it’s news for the real estate community nevertheless. The really interesting thing for me is how radically Mac developers are rethinking user-interfaces. We’re all too busy reading Andersonto realize that we might-could-should be reading Kurzweil
instead. Macintosh development is more than a few steps back from The Singularity — but it’s on the path. Now think of this: If you were offered the chance to transition from mere mortal flesh to something much more enduring — is this a task you would entrust to Microsoft…?
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