“Calling good dogs bad doesn’t make bad dogs good.”
George Floyd is missed by his loved ones, but surely not by his many victims. He died of a self-administered drug overdose, but the whole world conspired to lie about that obvious fact in order to create a pretext for chaos – targeting Donald Trump’s re-election effort and initiating an on-going color revolution in the United States.
We have spent the past year – and many decades before – demonizing the great people who built this country in order to aggrandize the truly demonic. How’s that working out for you?
Give George Floyd this, though: He’s the shit-test for all the ages. Anyone singing his praises today is not to be trusted: There was nothing praiseworthy in his life until it ended – at which point his demonic impulses metastasized as a national cancer.
Witness: George Washington, America’s Cincinnatus, was a great man – even though, like Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ ancestors, he owned slaves. George Floyd was a lifelong predator and parasite – even though he died in a snuff-porn video. The revolution will have succeeded when you can no longer keep those simple facts straight.
In other news:
CNBC: Home prices in March saw highest growth in over 15 years, S&P Case-Shiller says.
Housing Wire: NAR: Almost 50% of homes sold for more than list price. What’s up with the other half?
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune: Minneapolis to bring in outside help to deal with surge in violence.
The American Spectator: Democrat Policies Have Created a Blue-State Exodus.
John Nolte: Democrat-Run Cities Can’t or Won’t Protect Jews and Asians from Hate Crime Explosion.
Julie Kelly: Time to Confront the U.S. Capitol Police About Its January 6 Lies.
The Federalist: In May 2020, Rioters Rained Hell On Our Cities. One Year Later We Ask: For What?
Lee Smith: Street Violence as a Political Tool.