Ya think it's easy?

“The worst life for a dog? Fed but neglected. Mammals live on love, not pellets of kibble.”

The New York Times discovered the population bomb over the weekend, so our ugly demographic portents are temporarily news. I’ve been talking about this for a long time, and others, notably Mark Steyn, for even longer.

I can explain this in DISC terms, but the matter is plain on the surface: Given a choice, more risk-averse people will tend to defer reproduction, often beyond the point-of-no-return. Raise the risks, as we did all last year, and childbirth plummets. Chip away at the rewards for being alive, as we have been doing since Marx and before – and childbirth plummets decade-by-decade. The Times should have a look at the corresponding demographic disaster at the other end of life.

Life could be a dream, we are exhorted, if only it were a machine. But inside the machine, you’re either a gear or a gum-ball. Surprisingly only to parasites and predators – given a choice, no one wants to live like that.

In other news:

CNBC: Robert Shiller: ‘Wild west’ mentality is gripping housing, stocks and crypto.

CBS News: The Great Reshuffling: How the real estate market exploded. CTRL-F: ‘riot’; not found.

National Review: Austin’s Revolt against a Homelessness Surge.

Fox News: St. Louis’ murder rate, already highest in US, soared last year; mayor vows to defund the police.

Heather Mac Donald: The Revolution Comes to Juilliard: Racial hysteria is consuming the school; unchecked, it will consume the art.

American Thinker: No Race Has Ever Done More for Another Race than White Americans Have Done for Black Americans. A fun read, and precisely the conversation on race no one wants to have. If this article is not buried, beware of exploding heads.

Issues and Insights: The Population Dud: Paul Ehrlich, Call Your Office.