“Why is there no ‘Salvation Army’ for dogs? Attendance for the uplifting-lectures-with-free-food would be wall-to-wall – and the drool, too, wall-to-wall, by lecture’s end.”
I wish I had thought to take screen shots, but the jist was this: “Why do our users hate us?” I expect the bigger, hidden question is: “And where the hell did they all go?!?”
Horses. Barn doors. Predictable consequences. It’s worthwhile to remember that Facebook was started by a teenager – who has since encountered few reasons to have grown up.
What the hell is wrong with the stockholders, though? Not just at Facebook, but at every company that thinks pushing the cash customers around is the right way to attract and retain business. None of this mishegoss will stop, apparently, until a few proud-mouthed CEOs are very loudly fired.
Want to know your problem, Facebook? You’re a lousy bartender. All you had to do is smile and take the money. I’m hoping your replacement has better sense.
In other news:
FEE.org: Biden’s $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Is Loaded With Corporate Welfare.
Paul Bedard: Biden threat supercharges sales of ‘ghost guns,’ AR pistols, and ammunition.
American Greatness: End Woke Corporate Extortion.