“Getting dogs to start barking is easy. It’s getting them to stop that’s the challenge.”
That’s what gave birth to environmentalism: Free markets are clearly much better for people than “compassionate” slavery, so a new villain was schemed up – the rape of the planet. People got right on fixing all that, of course, so the goalposts had to be moved, again and again, with the threat ever more nebulous but the solution always the same: Still more government.
And that was the state of play until the virus licensed a brand new fear campaign. And who can argue with the results? A full year of voluntary self-imprisonment in response to hysterically exaggerated false proxy signals.
But: Is the jig up? China Joe is begging states to reimpose mask mandates, but the fear factor is clearly gone. The virus kills people who would have died anyway and the morbidly obese. That low-hanging fruit is already gone, sadly, just as we are reaching herd immunity – and just as sunlight is becoming more abundant everywhere.
Frustrated displays escalate and amplify – the maskholiness displays will get worse – and that’s a good thing. It’s how everyone eventually catches on to the scam.
In other news:
CNBC: Some landlords sell properties as CDC extends eviction ban.
City Journal: The Death of Density? To survive and thrive, cities will have to overcome a number of formidable trends.
CNBC: Old golf courses and office buildings are turning into retail warehouses as demand for industrial space keeps climbing. Land seeks its highest and best use. This is a celebration of down-scaling – of disimprovement.
The New York Post: Seattle residents at breaking point with homeless crisis: ‘Makes me depressed’.
The Center Square: Commerce Department report: Red states leading U.S. economic growth.
Brad Polumbo: Free States Faring Far Better Than Lockdown States in One Huge Way, New Data Show.