“Sharing within the pack? But of course. Outside the pack? Get bent!”
That would be a kludge if it were merely absurd, but your public water system poisoning your drinking water because they know it’s already poisonous is a blaring confession of ineptitude.
If you’re looking for something government does well, the list stops at killing: Its only useful function is killing bad guys, but it much prefers killing businesses, hopes, dreams and innocents. If it can casually kill you with your drinking water, so much the better.
The obvious course of action would be to get government out of every activity where the objective is not killing people. There’s no guarantee they can even manage national defense, by now, but their ability to screw everything else up is as clear as that milky, smelly glass of water in front of you.
In other news:
CNBC: Homebuyer mortgage demand inches higher, but rates hit highest level since summer.
Housing Wire: New home sales plunge 18.2%, but demand stays strong.
CNBC: The national eviction ban is set to expire at the end of March. The CDC likely will extend it.
Mike DelPrete: CAC-attack: The Cost of iBuyer Customer Acquisition.
Housing Wire: Spencer Rascoff outfit Pacaso raises $75 million. I would love to interview whomever thought this was a good idea. I cannot imagine a business model less connected to the reality of living organisms.
The Seattle Times: Washington state’s rise in homelessness outpaced the nation’s, according to report.
Joel Kotkin: The death of the American city: Rising crime and a pandemic-inspired exodus are powering urban decay.
Daniel Greenfield: A Muslim Terrorist From the Capital of ISIS Shot Up a Supermarket. Biden Blames Guns.
Gordon Chang: The Coming Demographic Collapse of China.
City Journal: Open Schools Now: A new CDC report confirms that K-12 schools are not associated with Covid-19 transmission.