“A wary dog was neglected. A mean dog was abused. But a friendly dog grows love by loving, and he’s yearning to love you, too.”
Libertarianism-writ-large idealizes the well-fathered past without knowing it, seeking to replicate the consequences without the cause – just like any other Ci cargo-cult. It exclusively seeks Ci solutions to the on-going Ds problem – the emasculation of fatherhood.
Doesn’t matter in the long run – Ds wins – but all of libertarianism-writ-large looks like a psyop to me by now: Mountains of unreadable books, effectively zero reproduction. Ci is at war with human identity, and to the extent it is Ci, so is libertarianism.
In this context, crypto-currencies are an ineffectual and strategically-inverted stop-gap, much like freezing eggs: Better money will not buy you better fathers – the source of tomorrow’s wealth.
In other (not much) news:
CNBC: Existing home sales fell sharply in February, as supply dropped by the largest amount on record.
Axios: Inside a crowded border patrol tent in Donna, Texas.
City Journal: Death and Lockdowns: There’s no proof that lockdowns save lives but plenty of evidence that they end them.