“There’s a lot to like about Trump, but face facts: The man doesn’t have a dog.”
I saw Jim Jordan earlier, and he rocked – six minutes of Toastmaster perfection. Trump, by contrast, was late as usual, lazy in his delivery as usual, and was so often off-script – as usual – that his talk ran on forever.
At least I think it did. I kept nodding off, so finally I just turned it off and took a nap – a better use for a Sunday afternoon.
Trump is Incandescent, and that makes him more interested in the accolades for the accomplishments than the accomplishments themselves. That’s why he spends so much time patting himself on the back – and why he spent so little time talking about what he’s going to do now, going forward.
A serious anti-Marxist political party would:
- Recall every Democrat at every level of government; less mischief if you can keep them on defense.
- Enact election integrity laws wherever possible, all the way down to the precinct level.
- Eliminate the state-level emergency powers that made the lockdowns and the election theft possible.
To the extent that few of these things are happening now, you can estimate the future efficacy of Donald Trump.
In other news:
Redfin: One Year Later: The Coronavirus Pandemic’s Impact on the U.S. Housing Market In 12 Charts. Last year’s riotous real estate market was caused by the riots, not the virus. Redfin knows that, as does everyone else with a functioning brain. Why would they lie about this for months on end? Where are they located?
American Thinker: The Left’s Latest Battleground Is Your Neighborhood.
The Washington Post: The wave of covid bankruptcies has begun.
David Marcus: CPAC Is Still Trump’s, But Something Has Changed.
Daniel Greenfield: Kamala Harris: Equality is Old News, Let’s Talk About Equity.
Heather MacDonald: A New Crime Wave – and What to Do About It: New York City rejected the policing lessons that led to its success, and violence is surging.