“To be owned as a pet is to be loved. To be owned as an investment is to be prized. But to be owned as a nuisance is to be abandoned in due course – or simply slaughtered.”
If you didn’t know you were being lied to all last year, beware of scales falling from your eyes: The testing was juiced to make Trump look bad. Fauci, et al, lied about therapeutics to make Trump look bad. The mad-rush vaccine was delayed slightly to make Trump look bad. Death numbers were massively inflated to make Trump look bad.
And now at last we can be told the obvious truth: Democratic governors murdered thousands of old people to make Trump look bad.
They are ghouls. There is no one they won’t kill in pursuit of power. Recall that Andrew Cuomo was being lionized by the mainstream media while he was covering up this mass murder.
Heads up: If you can’t catch a clue, just sit tight: It’ll catch up to you.
In other news:
Jordan Davidson: Grandma-Killer Cuomo’s Top Aide Confesses State Covered Up Nursing Home Death Toll.
Mike DelPrete: iBuyers Turning Obfuscation of Profit into an Art Form.
CNBC: Strength of housing market has broadened out, says CEO of homebuilder Taylor Morrison.
Ezra Klein: California is making liberals squirm.
CNBC: Zillow hopes to turn flood of real estate porn users during Covid into actual sales. Ahem: “We monetize a single-digit percentage of the people that come visit us right now,” Barton said.
New York Times: How the Pandemic Left the $25 Billion Hudson Yards Eerily Deserted.
Frontpage: Dems’ Next Plot Against Trump.